Backup storage requirements
General requirements are listed in Physical server requirements.
Storage for backup storage
- When working with public clouds, Backup Gateway uses the local storage as the staging area as well as to keep service information. It means that the data to be uploaded to a public cloud is first stored locally and only then sent to the destination. For this reason, it is vital that the local storage is persistent and redundant so the data does not get lost. There are multiple ways to ensure the persistence and redundancy of local storage. You can deploy Backup Gateway on multiple cluster nodes and select a good redundancy mode. If Virtuozzo Hybrid Infrastructure with the gateway is deployed on a single physical node, you can make the local storage redundant by replicating it among local disks. If Virtuozzo Hybrid Infrastructure with the gateway is deployed in a virtual machine, make sure it is made redundant by the virtualization solution it runs on.
- Make sure the local storage cluster has plenty of logical space for staging. For example, if you perform backup daily, provide enough space for at least 1.5 days’ worth of backups. If the daily backup total is 2 TB, provide at least 3 TB of logical space. The required raw storage will vary depending on the encoding mode: 9 TB (3 TB per node) in the 1+2 mode, 5 TB (1 TB per node) in the 3+2 mode, etc.
- A separate object container is required for each backup storage cluster.
CPU and RAM for backup storage
Consider the following examples of CPU and RAM requirements for backup storage:
If you have 1 node (1 system disk and 4 storage disks), refer to the table below for the calculations.
Example: 1 node for Backup Gateway Service Each node System 4.5 GB, 3.3 cores Storage services 4 storage disks (each takes 0.5 GB and 0.2 cores), that is 2 GB and 0.8 cores in total
Backup Gateway 1 GB, 0.5 cores Total 7.5 GB of RAM and 4.6 cores -
If you have 5 nodes (1 system+storage disk and 10 storage disks) and want to use them for Backup Gateway, refer to the table below for the calculations.
Example: 5 nodes for Backup Gateway Service Management node Secondary node System 4.5 GB, 3.3 cores 1.5 GB, 1.1 cores Storage services 11 storage disks (each takes 0.5 GB and 0.2 cores), that is 5.5 GB and 2.2 cores in total 11 storage disks (each takes 0.5 GB and 0.2 cores), that is 5.5 GB and 2.2 cores in total Backup Gateway 1 GB, 0.5 cores 1 GB, 0.5 cores Total 11 GB of RAM and 6 cores 8 GB of RAM and 3.8 cores