Assigning QoS policies

Alongside the default QoS policy, you can assign QoS policies to specific network ports, floating IP addresses, and entire networks. To do it, find out the ID of the required resource, and then set the policy as follows:

  • To assign a QoS policy to a network port, execute:

    # openstack --insecure port list
    | ID                                   | <…> | Fixed IP Addresses         |
    | c0ea690f-4993-4467-afd5-5389016a0658 |     | ip_address='' |
    # openstack --insecure port set --qos-policy policy1 \
  • To assign a QoS policy to a floating IP address, execute:

    # openstack --insecure floating ip list
    | ID                                   | Floating IP Address | <…> |
    | 866203a2-4e1c-459f-807f-14ed563409f1 |       |     |
    # openstack --insecure floating ip set --qos-policy policy1 \
  • To assign a QoS policy to all ports in a network, execute:

    # openstack --insecure network list
    | ID                                   | Name     | <…> |
    | c6ee561e-9cf7-489b-bbab-7bca557ee7a5 | public   |     |
    # openstack --insecure network set --qos-policy policy1 public