vinfra cluster network set-bulk

Modify traffic types of multiple networks:

usage: vinfra cluster network set-bulk --network <network>:<traffic-types>
--network <network>:<traffic-types>

Network configuration in the format:

  • <network>: network ID or name.
  • <traffic-types>: a comma-separated list of traffic type names

This option can be used multiple times.


# vinfra cluster network set-bulk --network MyNet1:snmp --network MyNet2:ssh,snmp
| Field   | Value                                |
| task_id | c774f55d-c45b-42cd-ac9e-16fc196e9283 |

This command creates a task to change the traffic type set of the network MyNet1 to SNMP and that of MyNet2 to SSH and SNMP.

Task outcome:

# vinfra task show c774f55d-c45b-42cd-ac9e-16fc196e9283
| Field   | Value                                                           |
| details |                                                                 |
| name    | |
| result  | - id: adf49487-9deb-4180-bb0c-08a906257981                      |
|         |   name: MyNet1                                                  |
|         |   roles:                                                        |
|         |   - SNMP                                                        |
|         |   type: Custom                                                  |
|         | - id: 3f6ff4a3-31bc-440b-a36f-d755c80d5932                      |
|         |   name: MyNet2                                                  |
|         |   roles:                                                        |
|         |   - SNMP                                                        |
|         |   - SSH                                                         |
|         |   type: Custom                                                  |
| state   | success                                                         |
| task_id | c774f55d-c45b-42cd-ac9e-16fc196e9283                            |