vinfra cluster network set

Modify network parameters:

usage: vinfra cluster network set [--name <network-name>]
                                  [--traffic-types <traffic-types> |
                                  --add-traffic-types <traffic-types> |
                                  --del-traffic-types <traffic-types>]
                                  [--inbound-allow-list <addresses> |
                                  --add-inbound-allow-list <addresses> |
                                  --del-inbound-allow-list <addresses> |
                                  [--inbound-deny-list <addresses> |
                                  --add-inbound-deny-list <addresses> |
                                  --del-inbound-deny-list <addresses> |
                                  [--outbound-allow-list <rules> |
                                  --add-outbound-allow-list <rules> |
                                  --del-outbound-allow-list <rules> |
                                  --clear-outbound-allow-list |
                                  [-y] <network>
--name <network-name>
Network name
--traffic-types <traffic-types>
A comma-separated list of traffic type names (overwrites network’s current traffic types)
--add-traffic-types <traffic-types>
A comma-separated list of traffic type names (adds the specified traffic types to the network)
--del-traffic-types <traffic-types>
A comma-separated list of traffic type names (removes the specified traffic types from the network)
--inbound-allow-list <addresses>
A comma-separated list of IP addresses (overwrites the current inbound allow rules)
--add-inbound-allow-list <addresses>
A comma-separated list of IP addresses (adds the specified inbound allow rules)
--del-inbound-allow-list <addresses>
A comma-separated list of IP addresses (removes the specified inbound allow rules)
Clear all inbound allow rules
--inbound-deny-list <addresses>
A comma-separated list of IP addresses (overwrites the current inbound deny rules)
--add-inbound-deny-list <addresses>
A comma-separated list of IP addresses (adds the specified inbound deny rules)
--del-inbound-deny-list <addresses>
A comma-separated list of IP addresses (removes the specified inbound deny rules)
--clear-inbound-deny-list <addresses>
Clear all inbound deny rules
--outbound-allow-list <rules>
A comma-separated list of allow rules in the format: <address>:<protocol>:<port>:<description> (overwrites the current outbound allow rules)
--add-outbound-allow-list <rules>
A comma-separated list of allow rules in the format: <address>:<protocol>:<port>:<description> (adds the specified outbound allow rules)
--del-outbound-allow-list <rules>
A comma-separated list of allow rules in the format: <address>:<protocol>:<port>:<description> (removes the specified outbound allow rules)
--clear-outbound-allow-list <rules>
Clear all outbound allow rules (needs confirmation)
--restore-outbound-allow-list <rules>
Restore default outbound allow rules
-y, --yes
Skip yes/no prompt (assumes "yes")
Network ID or name


# vinfra cluster network set MyNet --name MyOtherNet \
--add-traffic-types iscsi,nfs
| Field   | Value                                |
| task_id | b29f6f66-37d7-47de-b02e-9f4087ad932b |

This command creates a task to rename the network MyNet to MyOtherNet and assign to it the traffic types iSCSI and NFS.

Task outcome:

# vinfra task show b29f6f66-37d7-47de-b02e-9f4087ad932b
| Field   | Value                                                       |
| details |                                                             |
| name    | |
| result  | id: 2c030529-8f7e-46cc-8011-6c9d5b46fd49                    |
|         | inbound_allow_list: []                                      |
|         | inbound_deny_list: []                                       |
|         | name: MyOtherNet                                            |
|         | outbound_allow_list:                                        |
|         | - management                      |
|         | -                                       |
|         | -                                     |
|         | -                                        |
|         | -                                        |
|         | -                                       |
|         | - registration                        |
|         | - Geo-replication                    |
|         | - Cyber Protect                    |
|         | - all                                   |
|         | roles:                                                      |
|         | - iSCSI                                                     |
|         | - NFS                                                       |
|         | - SSH                                                       |
|         | vlan: null                                                  |
| state   | success                                                     |
| task_id | b29f6f66-37d7-47de-b02e-9f4087ad932b                        |