vinfra service backup cluster process

Inspect and manipulate the backup storage process:

usage: vinfra service backup cluster process [--show | --retry]
                                             [--process-id <process-id>]
Show the state of the backup storage process.
Retry a suspended backup storage process.
--process-id <process-id>
Backup storage process ID


# vinfra service backup cluster process --show \
--process-id 15bf7eb1-9fbd-436a-8936-33f7088c4933
| Field   | Value                                |
| failed  | False                                |
| id      | 15bf7eb1-9fbd-436a-8936-33f7088c4933 |
| message |                                      |
| state   | done                                 |

This command shows the state of the backup storage process with the ID ee7e60c5-5447-4177-8581-26657ac380c0.