vinfra service compute image show

Display compute image details:

usage: vinfra service compute image show <image>
Image ID or name


# vinfra service compute image show 4741274f-5cca-4205-8f66-a2e89fb346cc
| Field            | Value                                            |
| checksum         | 443b7623e27ecf03dc9e01ee93f67afe                 |
| container_format | bare                                             |
| created_at       | 2018-09-11T13:29:10Z                             |
| disk_format      | qcow2                                            |
| file             | /api/v2/compute/images/4741274f-5cca-<...>/file/ |
| id               | 4741274f-5cca-4205-8f66-a2e89fb346cc             |
| min_disk         | 1                                                |
| min_ram          | 0                                                |
| name             | cirros                                           |
| os_distro        | linux                                            |
| os_type          | linux                                            |
| placements       | []                                               |
| project_id       | 72a5db3a033c403a86756021e601ef34                 |
| protected        | False                                            |
| public           | True                                             |
| size             | 12716032                                         |
| status           | active                                           |
| tags             | []                                               |
| updated_at       | 2018-09-11T13:29:13Z                             |
| virtual_size     |                                                  |

This command shows the details of the default Cirros image.