vinfra service compute security-group set

Modify a security group:

usage: vinfra service compute security-group set [--name <name>]
                                                 [--description <description>]
--name <name>
Security group name
--description <description>
Security group description
Security group name or ID


# vinfra service compute security-group set mygroup \
--description "A new security group"
| Field                | Value                                             |
| description          | A new security group                              |
| id                   | 12e6b260-0b61-4551-8168-3e59602a2433              |
| name                 | mygroup                                           |
| project_id           | e215189c0472482f93e71d10e1245253                  |
| security_group_rules | - description: null                               |
|                      |   direction: egress                               |
|                      |   ethertype: IPv4                                 |
|                      |   id: ce854e2b-537f-4618-bea9-e9ec3d8616ac        |
|                      |   port_range_max: null                            |
|                      |   port_range_min: null                            |
|                      |   project_id: e215189c0472482f93e71d10e1245253    |
|                      |   protocol: null                                  |
|                      |   remote_group_id: null                           |
|                      |   remote_ip_prefix: null                          |
|                      |   security_group_id: 12e6b260-0b61-4551-8168<...> |
|                      | - description: null                               |
|                      |   direction: egress                               |
|                      |   ethertype: IPv6                                 |
|                      |   id: a7c65861-df3d-47f2-bec3-089747141936        |
|                      |   port_range_max: null                            |
|                      |   port_range_min: null                            |
|                      |   project_id: e215189c0472482f93e71d10e1245253    |
|                      |   protocol: null                                  |
|                      |   remote_group_id: null                           |
|                      |   remote_ip_prefix: null                          |
|                      |   security_group_id: 12e6b260-0b61-4551-8168<...> |
| tags                 | []                                                |

This command adds a description to the security group mygroup.