vinfra service compute server unrescue

Exit a virtual machine from the rescue mode:

usage: vinfra service compute server unrescue <server>
Virtual machine ID or name


# vinfra service compute server unrescue myvm
| Field         | Value                                      |
| config_drive  |                                            |
| created       | 2019-05-29T11:24:04Z                       |
| description   | My new VM                                  |
| fault         |                                            |
| flavor        | disk: 0                                    |
|               | ephemeral: 0                               |
|               | extra_specs: {}                            |
|               | original_name: tiny                        |
|               | ram: 512                                   |
|               | swap: 0                                    |
|               | vcpus: 1                                   |
| ha_enabled    | False                                      |
| host          | node001.vstoragedomain                     |
| host_status   | UP                                         |
| id            | 8cd29296-8bee-4efb-828d-0e522d816c6e       |
| key_name      |                                            |
| metadata      | {}                                         |
| name          | myvm                                       |
| networks      | - id: 79b3da71-c6a2-49e8-97f8-9431a065bed7 |
|               |   ipam_enabled: true                       |
|               |   ips:                                     |
|               |   -                        |
|               |   mac_addr: fa:16:3e:d8:42:f6              |
|               |   name: private                            |
|               |   spoofing_protection: true                |
| orig_hostname | node001                                    |
| placements    | []                                         |
| power_state   | RUNNING                                    |
| project_id    | b4267de6fd0c442da99542cd20f5932c           |
| status        | RESCUE                                     |
| task_state    |                                            |
| traits        | []                                         |
| updated       | 2019-05-29T11:24:21Z                       |
| user_data     |                                            |
| vm_state      | rescued                                    |
| volumes       | - delete_on_termination: false             |
|               |   id: edd3df0a-95f5-4892-9053-2793a3976f94 |

This command stops the rescue mode for the myvm virtual machine.

If you face issues stopping the rescue mode for a Windows VM, refer to Exiting the rescue mode for Windows virtual machines.