Backing up management database

To back up the database manually

Admin panel

Open the Settings > Management node > Backup screen, and then click Backup now.

Once backup is completed, the Last backup date will be refreshed.

Do not rename the backup file! Otherwise you will not be able to restore the management database from it.

Command-line interface

Use the following command:

vinfra cluster backup create

You can view the details of the last cluster backup and the ID of the ongoing backup task, if any, in the vinfra cluster backup show output:

# vinfra cluster backup show
| Field                | Value                       |
| last_backup_date     | 2019-08-21T15:41:24+00:00   |
| last_backup_location | /mnt/vstorage/webcp/backup/ |
| ready                | True                        |
| tasks                | []                          |