Configuring new disks manually


  • You can assign a role to a disk only if its size is greater than 1 GiB.
  • You can assign an additional role to a system disk only if its size is at least 100 GiB.
  • You can use shingled magnetic recording (SMR) HDDs only with the Storage role and only if the node has an SSD disk with the Cache role.
  • You cannot use SMR and standard disks in the same tier.
  • You cannot assign roles to system and non-system disks at a time.


  • A clear understanding of the storage cluster architecture and disk roles, which are explained in About the storage cluster.
  • The failed disk is released, as described in Releasing node disks, and the new disk for replacement is connected to the node.

To manually assign roles to a new disk

Admin panel

  1. On the Infrastructure > Nodes screen, click the name of the node.
  2. On the Disks tab, click the new disk without a role.
  3. On the disk right pane, click Assign role.
  4. In the Assign role window, select a disk role, that is how you want to use the disk:

  5. Click Assign.

Command-line interface

Use the following command:

vinfra node disk assign --disk <disk>:<role>[:<key=value,…>]
                        [--node <node>]
--disk <disk>:<role> [:<key=value,…>]

Disk configuration in the format:

  • <disk>: disk device ID or name
  • <role>: disk role (cs, mds, journal, mds-journal, mds-system, cs-system, system)
  • comma-separated key=value pairs with keys (optional):
    • tier: disk tier (0, 1, 2 or 3)
    • journal-tier: journal (cache) disk tier (0, 1, 2 or 3)
    • journal-type: journal (cache) disk type (no_cache, inner_cache or external_cache)
    • journal-disk: journal (cache) disk ID or device name

    • bind-address: bind IP address for the metadata service

Example: sda:cs:tier=0,journal-type=inner_cache.
This option can be used multiple times.

--node <node>
Node ID or hostname (default: node001.vstoragedomain)

For example, to assign the role cs to the disk sdc on the node node003, run:

# vinfra node disk assign --disk sdc:cs --node node003

You can view the node's disk configuration in the vinfra node disk list output:

# vinfra node disk list --node node003
| id                                   | device | type | role       | disk_status | used    | size     | physical_size | service_id | service_status |
| 2A006CA5-732F-4E17-8FB0-B82CE0F28DB2 | sdc    | hdd  | cs         | ok          | 11.2GiB | 125.8GiB | 128.0GiB      | 1026       | active         |
| 642A7162-B66C-4550-9FB2-F06866FB7EA1 | sdb    | hdd  | cs         | ok          | 8.7GiB  | 125.8GiB | 128.0GiB      | 1025       | active         |
| 45D38CD2-3B94-4F0F-8864-9D51F716D3B1 | sda    | hdd  | mds-system | ok          | 21.0GiB | 125.9GiB | 128.0GiB      | 1          | avail          |