Managing high availability configuration

As the management node high availability (HA) must include exactly three nodes at all times, removing a node from the HA configuration is not possible without adding another one at the same time. For example, to remove a failed node from the HA configuration, you can replace it with a healthy one.

Destroying the HA configuration is required for network migration that enables changing network configuration.


To replace nodes in the high availability configuration

Admin panel

  1. On the Settings > Management node > Management high availability tab, select one or two nodes that you wish to remove from the HA configuration and one or two available nodes that will be added into the HA configuration instead, and then click Replace.

  2. On Configure network, verify that correct network interfaces are selected on each node to be added. Otherwise, click the cogwheel icon for a node and assign networks with the Internal management and Admin panel traffic types to its network interfaces. Click Proceed.

Command-line interface

Use the following command:

vinfra cluster ha update [--virtual-ip <network:ip>] [--nodes <nodes>] [--force]
--virtual-ip <network:ip>

HA configuration mapping in the format:

  • network: network to include in the HA configuration (must include at least one of these traffic types: Internal management, Admin panel, Self-service panel, or Compute API).
  • ip: virtual IP address that will be used in the HA configuration.

Specify this option multiple times to create a HA configuration for multiple networks.

--nodes <nodes>
A comma-separated list of node IDs or hostnames
Skip checks for minimal hardware requirements

For example, to update the management node HA configuration, that is, include the nodes node001, node002, and node005, run:

# vinfra cluster ha update --nodes node001,node002,node005

To destroy the high availability configuration

Admin panel

Go to the Settings > Management node > Management high availability tab, and then click Destroy HA.

Command-line interface

Use the following command:

vinfra cluster ha delete