Managing projects as a domain administrator


To manage a project as a domain administrator

  1. Use the environment file for the domain administrator to authorize further OpenStack commands:

    # unset OS_PROJECT_NAME; unset OS_DOMAIN_NAME; source
  2. List all accessible domains to get the domain ID:

    # openstack --insecure federation domain list
    | ID                               | Enabled | Name | Description |
    | b41c5bd8ca1e43f19f9720390c2869d5 | True    | test |             |
  3. Create a project. For example:

    # openstack --insecure project create --domain b41c5bd8ca1e43f19f9720390c2869d5 testproject
  4. To set and update project quotas, authorize in the new project. For example:

    # export OS_PROJECT_NAME=testproject
  5. Set a quota for the project with openstack quota set:

    • To limit the number of virtual CPUs, use the --cores option. For example, to limit the number of vCPUs to 128, run:

      # openstack --insecure quota set --cores 128 testproject
    • To limit the amount of RAM, use the --ram option. For example, to limit the amount of RAM to 100 GiB, run:

      # openstack --insecure quota set --ram 102400 testproject
    • To limit the storage space size, specify the policy with the --volume-type option and the required space with the --gigabytes option. For example, to limit the storage space size for the default storage policy to 1 TiB, run:

      # openstack --insecure quota set --volume-type default --gigabytes 1024 testproject
    • To limit the number of floating IP addresses, use the --floating-ips option. For example, to limit the number of floating IP addresses to 128, run:

      # openstack --insecure quota set --floating-ips 128 testproject
    • To limit the number of Kubernetes clusters, get the project ID first, and then use the coe quotas create command with the --resource and --hard-limit options. For example, to limit the number of Kubernetes clusters to 10, run:

      # openstack --insecure federation project list
      | ID                               | Domain ID | Enabled | Name        |
      | d746acd8b2e847c4925685b8ad95b828 | b41c<...> | True    | testproject |
      # openstack --insecure coe quotas create --project-id d746acd8b2e847c4925685b8ad95b828 \
      --resource Cluster --hard-limit 10
    • To limit the number of load balancers, use the loadbalancer quota set command with the --loadbalancer option. For example, to limit the number of load balancers to 20, run:

      # openstack --insecure loadbalancer quota set  testproject --loadbalancer 20

You can check the applied project quotas by running:

# openstack --insecure quota show

Changes you make to project quotas are also reflected in the admin panel.