Monitoring compute nodes

You can monitor the compute node status on the Compute > Nodes screen. Nodes in the compute cluster can have the following statuses:

The node operates normally.
The node configuration (the default CPU model for VMs or the compute role) is changing.
The node has become available after a failure, it is now fenced from scheduling new VMs on it.
The node has encountered a critical problem and is not operational.

To view compute node details

Admin panel

On the Compute > Nodes screen, click a compute node. You can view the following compute node information:

  • Virtual CPU and RAM reservations:

    • Reserved for the system and storage services
    • Provisioned to virtual machines located on the node
    • Free virtual CPUs and RAM left on the node

    The number of virtual CPUs is a product of the number of physical CPUs on a node and the overcommitment ratio. The amount of RAM is a product of the amount of physical RAM on a node and the overcommitment ratio. To learn more about physical CPU and RAM reservations for system and storage services, refer to Server requirements.

  • Hosted virtual machines and their resource consumption

Command-line interface

Use the following command:

vinfra service compute node show <node>
Node ID or hostname

For example, to view the details of the compute node node001, run:

# vinfra service compute node show node001
| Field         | Value                                    |
| host          | node001.vstoragedomain                   |
| host_ip       |                            |
| hypervisor    | id: 86f1ca2c-71c7-47a0-9c7f-bb9dd705e67e |
|               | state: up                                |
|               | status: enabled                          |
|               | vms: 0                                   |
| id            | 7ffa9540-5a20-41d1-b203-e3f349d62565     |
| orig_hostname | node001                                  |
| placements    | []                                       |
| roles         | - controller                             |
|               | - compute                                |
| services      | - name: cinder-scheduler                 |
|               |   state: healthy                         |
|               | - name: cinder-volume                    |
|               |   state: healthy                         |
|               | - name: neutron-dhcp-agent               |
|               |   state: healthy                         |
|               | - name: neutron-l3-agent                 |
|               |   state: healthy                         |
|               | - name: neutron-metadata-agent           |
|               |   state: healthy                         |
|               | - name: neutron-openvswitch-agent        |
|               |   state: healthy                         |
|               | - name: nova-compute                     |
|               |   state: healthy                         |
|               | - name: nova-conductor                   |
|               |   state: healthy                         |
|               | - name: nova-scheduler                   |
|               |   state: healthy                         |
| state         | healthy                                  |