Changing Kubernetes service parameters

For Kubernetes clusters, you can change the following parameters:

  • Size and storage policy of the system volume on master nodes
  • Flavors for master and worker nodes
  • Flavors for Kubernetes load balancers
  • DNS nameserver and discovery URL

You can modify the default Kubernetes parameters either for all Kubernetes versions or for each version separately.

To view the current default Kubernetes parameters

Use the vinfra service compute k8saas defaults show command:

# vinfra service compute k8saas defaults show
| Field   | Value                                                       |
| default | discovery_url: null                                         |
|         | dns_nameserver: null                                        |
|         | flavor: null                                                |
|         | labels:                                                     |
|         |   auto_scaling_enabled: true                                |
|         |   availability_zone: nova                                   |
|         |   boot_volume_size: '20'                                    |
|         |   boot_volume_type: default                                 |
|         |   cgroup_driver: systemd                                    |
|         |   cinder_csi_enabled: 'true'                                |
|         |   cinder_csi_plugin_tag: v1.22.2                            |
|         |   cloud_provider_enabled: 'true'                            |
|         |   cloud_provider_tag: v1.22.0                               |
|         |   csi_attacher_tag: v3.1.0                                  |
|         |   csi_snapshotter_tag: v3.0.3                               |
|         |   docker_volume_type: default                               |
|         |   etcd_lb_disabled: 'true'                                  |
|         |   etcd_tag: v3.4.6                                          |
|         |   flannel_tag: v0.11.0-amd64                                |
|         |   heat_container_agent_tag: 5.3.11                          |
|         |   octavia_api_lb_flavor: ACTIVE_STANDBY                     |
|         |   octavia_default_flavor: SINGLE                            |
|         |   use_podman: 'true'                                        |
|         | master_flavor: null                                         |
| v1.21.3 | labels:                                                     |
|         |   autoscaler_tag: 1.21.0                                    |
|         |   hyperkube_image: |
|         |   kube_tag: v1.21.3                                         |
|         |   kube_version: v1.21.3                                     |
| v1.22.2 | labels:                                                     |
|         |   autoscaler_tag: 1.22.2                                    |
|         |   hyperkube_image: |
|         |   kube_tag: v1.22.2                                         |
|         |   kube_version: v1.22.2                                     |
| v1.23.5 | labels:                                                     |
|         |   autoscaler_tag: 1.23.0                                    |
|         |   hyperkube_image: |
|         |   kube_tag: v1.23.5                                         |
|         |   kube_version: v1.23.5                                     |
| v1.24.3 | labels:                                                     |
|         |   autoscaler_tag: 1.24.0                                    |
|         |   container_runtime: containerd                             |
|         |   hyperkube_image: |
|         |   kube_tag: v1.24.3                                         |
|         |   kube_version: v1.24.3                                     |