Changing the S3 redundancy scheme

If you use redundancy by replication for the S3 cluster, you can update the chosen redundancy scheme by changing the storage policy. Such a configurable redundancy scheme ensures high scalability and maximum efficiency of object storage. With redundancy by erasure coding, however, changing the redundancy scheme used for the S3 cluster is disabled.


  • Changing the encoding redundancy scheme is disabled, because it may decrease cluster performance. Re-encoding demands a significant amount of cluster resources for a long period of time. If you still want to change the redundancy scheme, contact the technical support team.


To change the storage policy

Admin panel

  1. Open the Storage services > S3 > Settings screen, and then click Storage policy.
  2. Select the desired storage tier, failure domain, or data redundancy mode.

  3. Click Save to apply your changes.

Command-line interface

Use the following command:

vinfra service s3 cluster change [--tier {0,1,2,3}] [--replicas <norm>]
                                 [--failure-domain {0,1,2,3,4}]
--tier {0,1,2,3}
Storage tier

--replicas <norm>

Storage replication mapping in the format:

  • norm: number of replicas to maintain
--failure-domain {0,1,2,3,4}
Storage failure domain

For example, to change the storage tier to 0, the replica scheme to 3, and the failure domain to host, run:

# vinfra service s3 cluster change --tier 0 --replicas 3 --failure-domain 1

The updated parameters will be shown in the vinfra service s3 show output:

# vinfra service s3 show
| Field          | Value                                      |
| failure_domain | 1                                          |
| id             | 0100000000000002                           |
| name           | cluster1                                   |
| nodes          | - id: 2a246558-8290-21c0-4a45-6869772e0598 |
|                | - id: 8b6e4302-7998-c1ba-8537-9b8129766620 |
|                | - id: 8d362265-3009-c548-087d-bad7a466bf1e |
| np             |                                            |
| nusers         | 0                                          |
| protocol       | scheme: https_http                         |
| redundancy     | m: 3                                       |
|                | type: raid1                                |
| s3gw_domain    |                             |
| tier           | 0                                          |