Importing registrations to the secondary cluster

After geo-replication is enabled, new registrations that you add to the primary cluster are not automatically replicated to the secondary cluster. You need to import such registrations manually.


To import a registration to the secondary cluster

  1. On the primary cluster, find out the registration ID in the uuid field. For example:

    # vstorage-abgw-register list
            "uuid": "68ae9bd1-ae34-4ff2-938b-cd576d9610a5",
            "type": "ABC",
            "description": "registration1",
  2. Export the registration to a configuration file specifying the registration ID and the file name. For example:

    # vstorage-abgw-register export -R "68ae9bd1-ae34-4ff2-938b-cd576d9610a5" -f registration1.txt
  3. Move the configuration file from the primary cluster to the secondary cluster using the standard Linux command-line tool. For example, by using scp:

    # scp registration1.txt <secondary_cluster_IP_address>:/root/registration1.txt
  4. On the secondary cluster, import the registration from the configuration file specifying the registration ID and the file name. For example:

    # vstorage-abgw-register import -R "68ae9bd1-ae34-4ff2-938b-cd576d9610a5" -f registration1.txt
  5. List all registrations to check that the registration is successfully imported. For example:

    # vstorage-abgw-register list
            "uuid": "68ae9bd1-ae34-4ff2-938b-cd576d9610a5",
            "type": "ABC",
            "description": "registration1",
  6. Restart the Backup Gateway services on each node of the secondary backup storage cluster:

    # systemctl restart vstorage-abgw.service