Managing balancing pools

On the Compute > Network > Load balancers tab, click a load balancer name, to see a list of its balancing pools.

To manage balancing pools

Admin panel

  • To monitor pool performance and health, open the pool’s panel on the Overview tab.
  • To see the pool parameters, open the pool’s panel and go to the Properties tab.
  • To manage the pool members, open the pool’s panel and go the Members tab.
  • To remove a balancing pool, click the ellipsis icon next to it, and then click Delete.

Command-line interface

  • To view the pool's details, use vinfra service compute load-balancer pool show. For example:

    # vinfra service compute load-balancer pool show mypool
    | Field                 | Value                                      |
    | backend_protocol      | HTTP                                       |
    | backend_protocol_port | 80                                         |
    | certificate           |                                            |
    | connection_limit      | -1                                         |
    | created_at            | 2019-11-18T13:11:27.982129                 |
    | description           |                                            |
    | enabled               | True                                       |
    | healthmonitor         |                                            |
    | id                    | fa40e282-b29a-465a-afaa-2c702d2bde17       |
    | lb_algorithm          | LEAST_CONNECTIONS                          |
    | listener_id           | 66cc714e-af7f-40eb-9db8-67b8b6b6d23c       |
    | loadbalancer_id       | 941bf637-2d55-40f0-92c0-e65d6567b468       |
    | members               | - address:                  |
    |                       |   compute_server_id: d51c10a7-6187-<...>   |
    |                       |   created_at: '2019-11-18T13:11:59.681101' |
    |                       |   enabled: true                            |
    |                       |   id: 3fd5dcc5-6e2c-4e22-8d0a-8e94e20a122f |
    |                       |   name: ''                                 |
    |                       |   pool_id: null                            |
    |                       |   status: HEALTHY                          |
    |                       |   updated_at: '2019-11-18T13:12:01.467306' |
    |                       |   weight: 1                                |
    |                       | - address:                   |
    |                       |   compute_server_id: 54603109-8963-<...>   |
    |                       |   created_at: '2019-11-18T13:12:10.176853' |
    |                       |   enabled: true                            |
    |                       |   id: ccb645b3-63c7-44f8-b861-b197c85506d4 |
    |                       |   name: ''                                 |
    |                       |   pool_id: null                            |
    |                       |   status: HEALTHY                          |
    |                       |   updated_at: '2019-11-18T13:12:12.281578' |
    |                       |   weight: 1                                |
    | name                  | mypool                                     |
    | private_key           |                                            |
    | project_id            | e4e059c67dee4736851df14d4519a5a5           |
    | protocol              | HTTP                                       |
    | protocol_port         | 80                                         |
    | status                | ACTIVE                                     |
    | sticky_session        | True                                       |
    | updated_at            | 2019-11-18T13:12:12.305509                 |
  • To edit the pool's members, use vinfra service compute load-balancer pool set. For example:

    # vinfra service compute load-balancer pool set mypool \
    --member address= --member address= \
    --member address=

    This command adds the third member to the balancing pool mypool.

  • To delete a balancing pool, use vinfra service compute load-balancer pool delete. For example:

    # vinfra service compute load-balancer pool delete mypool