Services chart

Admin panel

On the Services chart, you can monitor two types of services:

  • Metadata services (MDS). The number of all disks with the metadata role. Ensure that at least three MDSes are running at all times.
  • Chunk services (CS). The number of all disks with the storage role.

Typical statistics may look like this:

If some of the chunk services were unresponsive or in maintenance for some time, these time periods will be highlighted in orange on the chart. For failed metadata and chunk services, the color will be red.

Command-line interface

Use the following command:

vinfra cluster overview

For example, to view the information about the storage services in the cluster cluster1, take a look at these lines from the command output:

| Field             | Value                   |
| ...               | ...                     |
| cs                | failed: 0               |
|                   | slow: 0                 |
|                   | total: 5                |
| ...               | ...                     |
| mds               | failed: 0               |
|                   | total: 3                |