Setting up networks for the compute cluster


Minimum network setup for the compute cluster

For the compute service deployed for evaluation purposes, the minimum network configuration includes two networks, for internal and external traffic. You can leave the default Public and Private networks as they are. In this case, traffic types should be assigned to these networks, according to the following table:

Minimum network setup for compute
Network Traffic types
Private Storage, Internal management, OSTOR private, Backup (ABGW) private, VM private
Public Admin panel, SNMP, SSH, Self-service panel, Compute API, VM public, iSCSI, NFS, S3 public, Backup (ABGW) public

To create the minimum network configuration for the compute cluster

Admin panel

  1. Add the required traffic types (Compute API, VM private, and VM public) to your infrastructure networks:
    1. On the Infrastructure > Networks screen, click the pencil icon next to the traffic type in the Exclusive traffic types section or next to the Regular traffic types section.
    2. Add the needed traffic type to your network by selecting the corresponding radio button or check box.
    3. Click the check mark to apply the changes.
  2. If you plan to use RDMA over InfiniBand, move the traffic type Storage to a dedicated network and assign that network to the IB interface.
  3. Configure network interfaces on the nodes that you plan to join the compute cluster.

Command-line interface

Use the following command:

vinfra cluster network set-bulk --network <network>:<traffic-types>
--network <network>:<traffic-types>

Network configuration in the format:

  • <network>: network ID or name.
  • <traffic-types>: a comma-separated list of traffic type names

This option can be used multiple times.

For example, to set the required traffic types to the Private and Public networks, run:

# vinfra cluster network set-bulk --network Private:"Storage","Internal management",\
"OSTOR private","Backup (ABGW) private","VM private","VM backups","VM public" \
--network Public:"Admin panel","SNMP","SSH","Self-service panel","Compute API",\
"VM public","iSCSI","NFS","S3 public","Backup (ABGW) public"

Recommended network setup for the compute cluster

For the compute service deployed for production, the recommended network configuration implies creating additional networks. The following networks are required:

  • Private network, assigned to the first bonded connection
  • Trunk network, assigned to the trunk interface of the second bonded connection
  • Overlay network, assigned to a VLAN created on the second bonded connection
  • Services network, assigned to a VLAN created on the second bonded connection
  • Public network, assigned to a VLAN created on the second bonded connection

The required traffic types should be distributed between these networks, according to the following table:

Recommended network setup for compute
Network Traffic types
Private Storage, Internal management (optional: OSTOR private, Backup (ABGW) private)
Trunk VM public
Overlay VM private
Services Compute API, Admin panel, Self-service panel, SSH (optional: S3 public, iSCSI, NFS, Backup (ABGW) public, SNMP)
Public VM public

To create the recommended network configuration for the compute cluster

Admin panel

  1. Add three more networks:
    1. On the Infrastructure > Networks screen, click Create network.
    2. In the New network window, specify a network name. Network names may contain only Latin letters, numbers, and underscores, and must be 3 to 32 characters long.
    3. Click Create.
  2. Assign the required traffic types according to the recommended network setup:
    1. On the Infrastructure > Networks screen, click the pencil icon next to the traffic type in the Exclusive traffic types section or next to the Regular traffic types section.
    2. Add the needed traffic type to your network by selecting the corresponding radio button or check box.
    3. Click the check mark to apply the changes.
  3. If you plan to use RDMA over InfiniBand, move the traffic type Storage to a dedicated network and assign that network to the IB interface.
  4. Create bonded and VLAN connections on the nodes that you plan to join the compute cluster.

Command-line interface

  1. Add three more networks by using vinfra cluster network create. For example:

    • To create the Overlay network and assign the VM private traffic type to it, run:

      # vinfra cluster network create Overlay --traffic-types "VM private"
    • To create the External VM network and assign the VM public traffic type to it, run:

      # vinfra cluster network create "External VM" --traffic-types "VM public"
    • To create the Backup network and assign the VM backups and VM public traffic types to it, run:

      # vinfra cluster network create Backup --traffic-types "VM backups","VM public"
  2. Assign the SNMP, Compute API, and Self-service panel traffic types to the Public network by running:

    # vinfra cluster network set Public --add-traffic-types "SNMP","Compute API","Self-service panel"
  3. Review your network configuration:

    # vinfra cluster network list -c id -c name -c traffic_types
    | id                                   | name        | traffic_types                                                                    |
    | 0181a09c-3334-4b3b-a8d9-8c011de5c21c | Overlay     | VM private                                                                       |
    | 40dea510-d73c-497e-8cea-69bc52a5ae07 | External VM | VM public                                                                        |
    | 8b7d2be5-6cc5-4635-b3d9-16c6cc11275d | Backup      | VM backups,VM public                                                             |
    | f50605a3-64f4-4f0c-b50e-9481ec221c72 | Private     | Backup (ABGW) private,Internal management,OSTOR private,Storage                  |
    | 955041d4-b059-47a1-ba4c-0be117e8cbd2 | Public      | Backup (ABGW) public,Compute API,iSCSI,NFS,S3 public,Self-service ...<truncated> |