Attaching and detaching volumes


  • You can only attach and detach non-boot volumes.


  • A volume is created, as described in Creating and deleting volumes.
  • To be able to use volumes attached to VMs, they must be initialized inside the guest OS by standard means.

To attach a volume to a virtual machine

Admin panel

  1. On the Compute > Storage > Volumes screen, click an unused volume.
  2. On the volume right pane, click Attach.
  3. In the Attach volume window, select the VM from the drop-down list, and then click Done.

Command-line interface

Use the following command:

vinfra service compute server volume attach --server <server> <volume>
--server <server>
Virtual machine ID or name
Volume ID or name

For example, to attach the available volume with the ID e4cb5363-1fb2-41f5-b24b-18f98a388cba to the virtual machine myvm, run:

# vinfra service compute server volume attach e4cb5363-1fb2-41f5-b24b-18f98a388cba --server myvm
| Field  | Value                                |
| device | /dev/vdb                             |
| id     | e4cb5363-1fb2-41f5-b24b-18f98a388cba |

The name of the new device will be shown in the command output. To see all of the VM volumes, run:

# vinfra service compute server volume list --server myvm
| id                                   | device   |
| e4cb5363-1fb2-41f5-b24b-18f98a388cba | /dev/vdb |
| b325cc6e-8de1-4b6c-9807-5a497e3da7e3 | /dev/vda |

To detach a volume from a virtual machine

Admin panel

  1. On the Compute > Storage > Volumes screen, click a volume that is in use.
  2. If the VM is stopped, click Detach on the volume right pane.
  3. If the VM is running, click Force detach on the volume right pane.

    There is a risk of data loss.

Command-line interface

Use the following command:

vinfra service compute server volume detach [--force] --server <server> <volume>
--server <server>
Virtual machine ID or name
Detach a volume without checking if either the volume or server exists. When specifying the volume and server, use their IDs. No name lookup is performed.
Volume ID or name

For example, to detach the volume with the ID e4cb5363-1fb2-41f5-b24b-18f98a388cba from the virtual machine myvm, run:

# vinfra service compute server volume detach e4cb5363-1fb2-41f5-b24b-18f98a388cba \
--server 871fef54-519b-4111-b18d-d2039e2410a8