Deploying virtual machines with load generators

You can deploy virtual machines with load generators in the compute cluster of Virtuozzo Hybrid Infrastructure by using the prebuilt images.


To deploy VMs with load generators

  1. Download and extract the images of the test VM templates:

    # wget
    # tar xvzf fio-test-images.tar.gz
  2. Create templates from the extracted images:

    # vinfra service compute image create --file Centos7-fio-test-sys.qcow --os-distro centos7 Centos7-fio-test-sys
    # vinfra service compute image create --file Centos7-fio-test-blank.qcow Centos7-fio-test-blank
  3. Deploy test VMs from the templates:

    # vinfra service compute server create FIO-Centos7 --count <N> --network id=<net> \
    --volume source=image,id=Centos7-fio-test-sys,size=10,boot-index=0 \
    --volume source=image,id=Centos7-fio-test-blank,size=64,boot-index=1 --flavor large


    • --count <N> is the number of nodes in your compute cluster, for example, --count 5. We recommend creating VMs on a clean cluster, so that each node will have one VM. If you want to test a single VM, use --count 1.
    • --network id=<net> is a network accessible by the host or virtual environment that you will run the tests from, for example, public.

As the result, you will have a set number of identical virtual machines with the following characteristics:

  • 4 vCPUs and 8 GiB RAM (the flavor large). If you want to use another flavor, make sure to update the fio scripts and other job profiles accordingly, as described in Setting up the benchmark for NFS and iSCSI.
  • A 10 GiB system disk with the CentOS 7 operating system
  • A 64 GiB ext4 disk for tests
  • The network specified by the --network option
  • Login: root, password: CDEkOA%rXfd%wWnOHDXm