Monitoring compute nodes

You can monitor the compute node status on the Compute > Nodes screen. Nodes in the compute cluster can have the following statuses:

The node operates normally.
The node configuration (the default CPU model for VMs or the compute role) is changing.
The node has become available after a failure, it is now fenced from scheduling new VMs on it.
The node has encountered a critical problem and is not operational.

To check compute services on a node

Admin panel

On the Infrastructure > Nodes screen, click the line with a compute node. On the right pane, the Compute services tab provides information about deployed compute controller and worker services on the node. Healthy compute services are highlighted on the tab in green, failed services in red, and disabled services for a fenced node in yellow.

Command-line interface

Use the following command:

vinfra service compute node show <node>
Node ID or hostname

For example, to view the details of the compute node node001, run:

# vinfra service compute node show node001
| Field          | Value                                    |
| fenced_reason  |                                          |
| host           | node001.vstoragedomain                   |
| host_ip        |                          |
| hypervisor     | hypervisor_type: QEMU                    |
|                | id: f36f9331-11a8-43c9-a90b-dbda9bdf9a00 |
|                | is_evacuating: false                     |
|                | state: up                                |
|                | status: enabled                          |
|                | vms: 0                                   |
| id             | 52565ca3-5893-8f6b-62ce-2f07b175b549     |
| in_maintenance | False                                    |
| orig_hostname  | node001                                  |
| placements     | []                                       |
| roles          | - controller                             |
|                | - compute                                |
| services       | - name: cinder-scheduler                 |
|                |   state: healthy                         |
|                | - name: cinder-volume                    |
|                |   state: healthy                         |
|                | - name: neutron-dhcp-agent               |
|                |   state: healthy                         |
|                | - name: neutron-l3-agent                 |
|                |   state: healthy                         |
|                | - name: neutron-metadata-agent           |
|                |   state: healthy                         |
|                | - name: neutron-openvswitch-agent        |
|                |   state: healthy                         |
|                | - name: nova-compute                     |
|                |   state: healthy                         |
|                | - name: nova-conductor                   |
|                |   state: healthy                         |
|                | - name: nova-scheduler                   |
|                |   state: healthy                         |
| state          | healthy                                  |

To view compute node details

Admin panel

On the Compute > Nodes screen, click a compute node. You can view the following compute node information:

  • Virtual CPU and RAM reservations:

    The number of virtual CPUs is a product of the number of physical CPUs on a node and the node overcommitment ratio. The amount of RAM is a product of the amount of physical RAM on a node and the node overcommitment ratio.

  • Hosted virtual machines and their resource consumption

Command-line interface

Use the following command:

vinfra service compute node show <node> --with-stats
Node ID or hostname
Get node information with statistics

For example, to view the details of the compute node node001, run:

# vinfra service compute node show node001 --with-stats
| Field          | Value                                    |
| fenced_reason  |                                          |
| host           | node001.vstoragedomain                   |
| host_ip        |                          |
| hypervisor     | hypervisor_type: QEMU                    |
|                | id: f36f9331-11a8-43c9-a90b-dbda9bdf9a00 |
|                | is_evacuating: false                     |
|                | state: up                                |
|                | status: enabled                          |
|                | vms: 0                                   |
| id             | 52565ca3-5893-8f6b-62ce-2f07b175b549     |
| in_maintenance | False                                    |
| orig_hostname  | node001                                  |
| placements     | []                                       |
| roles          | - controller                             |
|                | - compute                                |
| services       | - name: cinder-scheduler                 |
|                |   state: healthy                         |
|                | - name: cinder-volume                    |
|                |   state: healthy                         |
|                | - name: neutron-dhcp-agent               |
|                |   state: healthy                         |
|                | - name: neutron-l3-agent                 |
|                |   state: healthy                         |
|                | - name: neutron-metadata-agent           |
|                |   state: healthy                         |
|                | - name: neutron-openvswitch-agent        |
|                |   state: healthy                         |
|                | - name: nova-compute                     |
|                |   state: healthy                         |
|                | - name: nova-conductor                   |
|                |   state: healthy                         |
|                | - name: nova-scheduler                   |
|                |   state: healthy                         |
| state          | healthy                                  |
| statistics     | compute:                                 |
|                |   block_capacity: 0                      |
|                |   block_usage: 0                         |
|                |   cpu_usage: 0.0                         |
|                |   vcpus: 0                               |
|                |   vcpus_free: 8                          |
|                |   vm_mem_capacity: 3731456000.0          |
|                |   vm_mem_free: 3731456000.0              |
|                |   vm_mem_reserved: 0                     |
|                |   vm_mem_usage: 0                        |
|                | datetime: '2023-01-10T13:04:18.280858'   |
|                | physical:                                |
|                |   cpu_cores: 4                           |
|                |   cpu_usage: 14.212499999994177          |
|                |   mem_free: 534638592                    |
|                |   mem_total: 25110126592                 |
|                |   swap_free: 0                           |
|                |   swap_total: 0                          |
|                |   vcpus_total: 32                        |
|                | reserved:                                |
|                |   cpus: 3                                |
|                |   memory: 21378670592                    |
|                |   vcpus: 24                              |