Monitoring node network interfaces

To check the network interface status

Go to the Infrastructure > Nodes screen and click the node name. Open the Network interfaces tab to see a list of all network interfaces on the node with their statuses.

A network interface can have the following statuses:

The network adapter is plugged in and up on the node.
The network adapter is disconnected.
The network adapter is down on the node.
The network adapter is not in the full duplex mode, has low speed, or incorrect settings.

To display network interface details

Admin panel

  1. Go to the Infrastructure > Nodes screen and click the node name.
  2. Open the Network interfaces tab, click a network interface, and then go to the Overview tab.

Network interface details include the interface status, type, assigned network, MTU, MAC, and IP addresses. You can also check the interface speed, as well as transmit (TX) and receive (RX) rates, in packets per second.

Command-line interface

Use the following command:

vinfra node iface show [--node <node>] <iface>
--node <node>
Node ID or hostname (default: node001.vstoragedomain)
Network interface name

For example, to view the details of the network interface bond0.362 on the node node003, run:

# vinfra node iface show bond0.362 --node node003
| Field                 | Value                                |
| built_on              | bond0                                |
| dhcp4                 |                                      |
| dhcp4_enabled         | False                                |
| dhcp6                 |                                      |
| dhcp6_enabled         | False                                |
| duplex                | full                                 |
| gw4                   |                                      |
| gw6                   |                                      |
| ignore_auto_routes_v4 | True                                 |
| ignore_auto_routes_v6 | True                                 |
| ipv4                  | -                    |
| ipv6                  | []                                   |
| mac_addr              | 0c:42:a1:0d:f4:ac                    |
| mtu                   | 9000                                 |
| multicast             | True                                 |
| name                  | bond0.362                            |
| network               | e4347c48-2a93-4495-9221-0036d4b7fd2c |
| node_id               | c4d14337-0863-4a67-9dbd-f19c3e49e114 |
| plugged               | True                                 |
| rx_bytes              | 132795090298899                      |
| rx_dropped            | 0                                    |
| rx_errors             | 0                                    |
| rx_overruns           | 0                                    |
| rx_packets            | 11992910723                          |
| speeds                | current: 50000                       |
|                       | max: 50000                           |
| state                 | up                                   |
| tag                   | 362                                  |
| tx_bytes              | 97570120705648                       |
| tx_dropped            | 0                                    |
| tx_errors             | 0                                    |
| tx_overruns           | 0                                    |
| tx_packets            | 10744028252                          |
| type                  | vlan                                 |

In the command output, network interface details include the interface state, type, assigned network, MTU, MAC and IP addresses, etc. You can also check the interface speed, as well as transmit (TX) and receive (RX) rates, in packets per second.

To monitor performance of a network interface

  1. Go to the Infrastructure > Nodes screen and click the node name.
  2. Open the Network interfaces tab, click a network interface, and then take a look at the charts on the Monitoring tab.

When monitoring network performance, keep in mind that if the Errors charts are not empty, the network is experiencing issues and requires attention. For advanced monitoring, click Grafana dashboard.

The default time interval for the charts is twelve hours. To zoom into a particular time interval, select the interval with the mouse; to reset zoom, double-click any chart.