Preparing boot volumes

The instruction for preparing a boot volume differs depending on the source type.

To make a boot volume from an existing virtual machine

Admin panel

  1. Shut down the VM which boot volume you want to use.
  2. On the VM right panel, go to the Properties section, and then click the disk marked as Bootable.
  3. On the volume right pane, click Clone.
  4. In the Clone volume window, specify a volume name, size, and storage policy. Click Clone.

Command-line interface

  1. Shut down the VM which boot volume you want to use. For example:

    # vinfra service compute server stop myvm
  2. Find out the boot volume's ID. For example:

    # vinfra service compute server show myvm
    | Field         | Value                                      |
    | config_drive  |                                            |
    | created       | 2021-06-10T08:55:53Z                       |
    | description   |                                            |
    | fault         |                                            |
    | flavor        | disk: 0                                    |
    |               | ephemeral: 0                               |
    |               | extra_specs: {}                            |
    |               | original_name: tiny                        |
    |               | ram: 512                                   |
    |               | swap: 0                                    |
    |               | vcpus: 1                                   |
    | ha_enabled    | True                                       |
    | host          | amigai-ac-ve0.vstoragedomain               |
    | host_status   | UP                                         |
    | id            | 6d0fc132-7ea7-41f0-81ca-a4a2b2a2c893       |
    | key_name      |                                            |
    | metadata      | {}                                         |
    | name          | myvm                                       |
    | networks      | - id: bd17c207-5291-4096-be6a-0a8a4bf67792 |
    |               |   ipam_enabled: true                       |
    |               |   ips:                                     |
    |               |   -                        |
    |               |   mac_addr: fa:16:3e:6b:6c:83              |
    |               |   name: private                            |
    |               |   spoofing_protection: true                |
    | orig_hostname | amigai-ac-ve0                              |
    | placements    | []                                         |
    | power_state   | SHUTDOWN                                   |
    | project_id    | dfd99654b8c94b939b638f94abb2ad73           |
    | status        | SHUTOFF                                    |
    | task_state    |                                            |
    | updated       | 2021-06-15T11:24:05Z                       |
    | user_data     |                                            |
    | vm_state      | stopped                                    |
    | volumes       | - delete_on_termination: false             |
    |               |   id: 49be1057-c026-494f-b85d-e013728d41bd |
    |               | - delete_on_termination: false             |
    |               |   id: eca9f679-7e35-4768-ad20-9bcb6af6fd59 |

    The first volume in the output is the boot one.

  3. Clone the boot volume specifying the name of the new volume. For example:

    # vinfra service compute volume clone 49be1057-c026-494f-b85d-e013728d41bd \
    --name cloned_volume

The cloned volume will appear in the vinfra service compute volume list output:

# vinfra service compute volume list
| id               | name                    | size | status    | os-vol-host-attr:host     |
| 14f4053e-cff5<…> | cloned_volume           | 1    | available | node003.vstoragedomain<…> |
| 504078c7-9035<…> | myvm/cirros/Boot volume | 1    | in-use    | node002.vstoragedomain<…> |

To make a boot volume from a template

Admin panel

  1. Go to the Compute > Storage > Images tab, and then click the required image.
  2. On the image panel, click Create volume.
  3. In the Create volume window, specify the volume name, size, and select a storage policy.

  4. Click Create.

The new volume will appear on the Compute > Storage > Volumes tab.

Command-line interface

Use the following command:

vinfra service compute volume create [--description <description>] [--image <image>]
                                     --storage-policy <storage_policy> --size <size-gb> <volume-name>
--description <description>

Volume description

A description should not contain any personally identifiable information or sensitive business data.

--image <image>
Source compute image ID or name
--storage-policy <storage_policy>
Storage policy ID or name
--size <size-gb>
Volume size, in gigabytes
Volume name

For example, to create a volume called cirros_volume with the size of 1 GB and the default storage policy from the cirros image, run:

# vinfra service compute volume create cirros_volume --image cirros --storage-policy default --size 1

The new volume will appear in the vinfra service compute volume list output:

# vinfra service compute volume list
| id               | name                    | size | status    | os-vol-host-attr:host     |
| 232d09db-bc75<…> | cirros_volume           | 1    | available | node003.vstoragedomain<…> |
| 14f4053e-cff5<…> | cloned_volume           | 1    | available | node003.vstoragedomain<…> |
| 504078c7-9035<…> | myvm/cirros/Boot volume | 1    | in-use    | node002.vstoragedomain<…> |