Viewing resource usage per project

To get usage of compute resources allocated to all virtual machines that belong to a particular project, you can use either the vinfra command or the gnocchi tool. The latter, however, collects resource usage for a specific period of time.


To view resource usage per project via vinfra

Use the command vinfra service compute quotas show --usage <project_id>. For example:

# vinfra service compute quotas show 6ef6f48f01b640ccb8ff53117b830fa3 --usage
| Field                           | Value |
| compute.cores.limit             | 20    |
| compute.cores.used              | 2     |
| compute.ram.limit               | 40960 |
| compute.ram.used                | 4096  |
| k8saas.cluster.limit            | 10    |
| k8saas.cluster.used             | 0     |
| lbaas.loadbalancer.limit        | 10    |
| lbaas.loadbalancer.used         | 0     |
| network.floatingip.limit        | 10    |
| network.floatingip.used         | 0     |
| storage.gigabytes.default.limit | 1024  |
| storage.gigabytes.default.used  | 66    |

The output shows that VMs included in the project with the ID 62af79f31ae5488aa33077d02af48282 were allocated 2 vCPUs, 4 GB of RAM, and 66 GB of disk space.

To view resource usage per project via gnocchi

Use the following commands, for example, for the project with the ID 75521ab61d1f4e9090aac5836c219492 from 12:00 PM July 18, 2021, to 12:00 PM July 19, 2021:

  • To aggregate the number of provisioned vCPUs:

    # gnocchi --insecure aggregates --resource-type instance --needed-overlap 0 "(aggregate sum (metric vcpus mean))" \
    "project_id=75521ab61d1f4e9090aac5836c219492" --start 2021-07-18T12:00:00 --stop 2021-07-19T12:00:00
  • To aggregate the amount of provisioned RAM:

    # gnocchi --insecure aggregates --resource-type instance --needed-overlap 0 "(aggregate sum (metric memory mean))" \
    "project_id=75521ab61d1f4e9090aac5836c219492" --start 2021-07-18T12:00:00 --stop 2021-07-19T12:00:00
  • To aggregate the total size of provisioned storage space:

    # gnocchi --insecure aggregates --resource-type volume --needed-overlap 0 "(aggregate sum (metric volume.size mean))" \
    "project_id=75521ab61d1f4e9090aac5836c219492" --start 2021-07-18T12:00:00 --stop 2021-07-19T12:00:00
  • To aggregate the size of provisioned storage space with the storage policy with the ID 10056d2e-6fc9-4f2e-92c2-dbebb1714778:

    # gnocchi --insecure aggregates --resource-type volume --needed-overlap 0 \
    "(aggregate sum (metric volume.size.10056d2e-6fc9-4f2e-92c2-dbebb1714778 mean))" \
    "project_id=75521ab61d1f4e9090aac5836c219492" --start 2021-07-18T12:00:00 --stop 2021-07-19T12:00:00
  • To aggregate the number of used floating IP addresses:

    # gnocchi --insecure aggregates --resource-type network --needed-overlap 0 "(aggregate sum (metric ip.floating mean))" \
    "project_id=75521ab61d1f4e9090aac5836c219492" --start 2021-07-18T12:00:00 --stop 2021-07-19T12:00:00
  • To aggregate the size of outgoing network traffic:

    # gnocchi --insecure aggregates --resource-type network --needed-overlap 0 "(aggregate sum (metric bandwidth mean))" \
    "project_id=75521ab61d1f4e9090aac5836c219492" --start 2021-07-18T12:00:00 --stop 2021-07-19T12:00:00
  • To aggregate the number of load balancers:

    # gnocchi --insecure aggregates --resource-type loadbalancer --needed-overlap 0 \
    "(aggregate sum (metric mean))" \
    "project_id=75521ab61d1f4e9090aac5836c219492" --start 2021-07-18T12:00:00 --stop 2021-07-19T12:00:00
  • To aggregate the number of Kubernetes clusters:

    Kubernetes clusters may be created with an empty project ID. In this case, specify None for the project_id attribute.

    # gnocchi --insecure aggregates --resource-type coe_cluster --needed-overlap 0 "(aggregate sum (metric magnum.cluster mean))" \
    "project_id=75521ab61d1f4e9090aac5836c219492" --start 2021-07-18T12:00:00 --stop 2021-07-19T12:00:00