Creating S3 accounts via CLI
You can create an account for an S3 user and generate an access key pair (S3 Access Key ID, S3 Secret Access Key) by using the ostor-s3-admin create-account
command. You need to specify the user email and an account name. For example:
# ostor-s3-admin create-account -V 0100000000000002 -n account -e UserId:b09693b73b3c7686 AccountName:account Flags:none KeyPair[0]:S3AccessKeyId:b09693b73b3c7686ESY0 KeyPair[0]:S3SecretAccessKey:VxGZc12KKECUe1361IWrvXSVvZOdZAsfg4pL4M7T
The first 16 symbols of the generated access key ID are equal to the user ID.