Accessing cluster information objects via SNMP

You can access cluster information objects with SNMP tools of your choice, for example, the free Net-SNMP suite for Linux.


To obtain storage cluster information on the management node

Place the MIB file in /usr/share/snmp/mibs and run the snmpwalk command. For example:

# snmpwalk  -M /usr/share/snmp/mibs -m VSTORAGE-MIB -v 2c -c public localhost:161 VSTORAGE-MIB:cluster

Typical output may look like the following:

VSTORAGE-MIB::clusterName.0 = STRING: "cluster1"
VSTORAGE-MIB::healthStatus.0 = STRING: "healthy"
VSTORAGE-MIB::usedLogicalSpace.0 = Counter64: 173732322
VSTORAGE-MIB::totalLogicalSpace.0 = Counter64: 1337665179648
VSTORAGE-MIB::freeLogicalSpace.0 = Counter64: 1318963253248
VSTORAGE-MIB::licenseStatus.0 = STRING: "unknown"
VSTORAGE-MIB::licenseCapacity.0 = Counter64: 1099511627776
VSTORAGE-MIB::licenseExpirationStatus.0 = STRING: "None"
VSTORAGE-MIB::ioReadOpS.0 = Counter64: 0
VSTORAGE-MIB::ioWriteOpS.0 = Counter64: 0
VSTORAGE-MIB::ioReads.0 = Counter64: 0
VSTORAGE-MIB::ioWrites.0 = Counter64: 0
VSTORAGE-MIB::csActive.0 = Counter64: 11
VSTORAGE-MIB::csTotal.0 = Counter64: 11
VSTORAGE-MIB::mdsAvail.0 = Counter64: 4
VSTORAGE-MIB::mdsTotal.0 = Counter64: 4