Configuring new disks manually


  • You can assign a role to a disk only if its size is greater than 1 GiB.
  • You can assign an additional role to a system disk only if its size is at least 100 GiB.
  • It is recommended to assign the System and Metadata roles to either an SSD disk or different HDDs. Assigning both of these roles to the same HDD disk will result in mediocre performance suitable only for cold data (for example, archiving).
  • The System role cannot be combined with the Cache and Metadata+Cache roles. The reason is that the I/O generated by the operating system and applications would contend with the I/O generated by journaling, thus negating its performance benefits.
  • You can use shingled magnetic recording (SMR) HDDs only with the Storage role and only if the node has an SSD disk with the Cache role. Host-managed SMR disks are not supported.
  • You cannot use SMR and standard disks in the same tier.
  • You cannot assign roles to system and non-system disks at a time.


  • A clear understanding of the storage cluster architecture and disk roles, which are explained in About the storage cluster.
  • The failed disk is released, as described in Releasing node disks, and the new disk for replacement is connected to the node.

To manually assign roles to a new disk

Admin panel

  1. On the Infrastructure > Nodes screen, click the name of the node.
  2. On the Disks tab, click the new disk without a role.
  3. On the disk right pane, click Assign role.
  4. In the Assign role window, select a disk role, that is how you want to use the disk:

  5. Click Assign.

Command-line interface

Use the following command:

vinfra node disk assign --disk <disk>:<role>[:<key=value,…>]
                        [--node <node>]
--disk <disk>:<role> [:<key=value,…>]

Disk configuration in the format:

  • <disk>: disk device ID or name
  • <role>: disk role (cs, mds, journal, mds-journal, mds-system, cs-system, system)
  • comma-separated key=value pairs with keys (optional):
    • tier: disk tier (0, 1, 2 or 3)
    • journal-tier: journal (cache) disk tier (0, 1, 2 or 3)
    • journal-type: journal (cache) disk type (no_cache, inner_cache or external_cache)
    • journal-disk: journal (cache) disk ID or device name

    • bind-address: bind IP address for the metadata service

Example: sda:cs:tier=0,journal-type=inner_cache.
This option can be used multiple times.

--node <node>
Node ID or hostname (default: node001.vstoragedomain)

For example, to assign the role cs to the disk sdc on the node node003, run:

# vinfra node disk assign --disk sdc:cs --node node003

You can view the node's disk configuration in the vinfra node disk list output:

# vinfra node disk list --node node003
| id                                   | device | type | role       | disk_status | used    | size     | physical_size | service_id | service_status |
| 2A006CA5-732F-4E17-8FB0-B82CE0F28DB2 | sdc    | hdd  | cs         | ok          | 11.2GiB | 125.8GiB | 128.0GiB      | 1026       | active         |
| 642A7162-B66C-4550-9FB2-F06866FB7EA1 | sdb    | hdd  | cs         | ok          | 8.7GiB  | 125.8GiB | 128.0GiB      | 1025       | active         |
| 45D38CD2-3B94-4F0F-8864-9D51F716D3B1 | sda    | hdd  | mds-system | ok          | 21.0GiB | 125.9GiB | 128.0GiB      | 1          | avail          |