Creating and deleting backups manually

You can initiate an instant backup job for a single volume by creating a backup manually. Such a backup does not have a retention policy and can only be deleted manually.


To manually create a volume backup

Admin panel

  1. On the Compute > Storage > Volumes screen, click a volume that you want to back up.
  2. On the volume right pane, click Create backup now.

Once the backup is created, it will appear on the Compute > Backup > Recovery points screen.

Command-line interface

Use the following command:

vinfra service compute volume backup create [--name <name>] [--description <description>] <volume>
--name <name>
Volume backup name
--description <description>
Volume backup description
Volume ID or name

For example, to create the backup mybackup of the volume vm1/cirros/Boot volume, run:

# vinfra service compute volume backup create 'vm1/cirros/Boot volume' --name mybackup

The backup will appear in the vinfra service compute volume backup list output:

# vinfra service compute volume backup list
| id                                   | name     | status    | volume_id                            |
| 2ac79114-ab96-4c2a-8019-05819bbcdc51 | mybackup | available | 5a66c317-a218-4963-9f3e-d8f459e3d343 |

To manually delete a volume backup

Admin panel

  1. On the Compute > Backup > Recovery points screen, click the recovery point that you want to delete.
  2. Click Delete in the confirmation window.

After deleting a recovery point, all its data will be lost.

Command-line interface

Use the following command:

vinfra service compute volume backup delete [--force] <volume-backup>
Volume backup ID or name
Forcibly delete a backup

For example, to delete the backup mybackup, run:

# vinfra service compute volume backup delete mybackup