Managing S3 accounts
An S3 account is a container for S3 user with additional credentials. An account is owned by a single user while a user can have multiple accounts. You can create and manage S3 accounts by using the ostor-s3-admin
command-line tool.
When you create an S3 account, an access key pair (access key ID and secret access key) is generated automatically. It is recommended to periodically revoke old and generate new access key pairs.
- The maximum of two active access key pairs are allowed per account.
To create an S3 account
Find out the ID of the object storage volume. For example:
# ostor-ctl get-config -V VOL_ID TYPE STATE 0100000000000002 OBJ READY
Create an account for an S3 user specifying the user email and an account name. For example, to create the account
for the user with the
, run:# ostor-s3-admin create-account -V 0100000000000002 -n myaccount -e
This command requires the following parameters:
,--volume <volume_id>
- The volume ID obtained in step 1
-n <account_name>
- Account name
-e <user_email>
- User email
Check that the new account is created for the user. For example, if the user's email is
, run:# ostor-s3-admin list-user-accounts -V 0100000000000002 -e NAME USER_ID EMAIL S3AccessKeyId S3SecretAccessKey myaccount b09693b73b3c7686 b09693b73b3c768613NV ***
To generate an access key pair for an S3 account
Use the ostor-s3-admin gen-access-key
command. For example:
# ostor-s3-admin gen-access-key -V 0100000000000002 -n myaccount -e
This command requires the following parameters:
,--volume <volume_id>
- The volume ID obtained by using the
ostor-ctl get-config -V
command -n <account_name>
- Account name
-e <user_email>
- User email
To revoke an access key pair for an S3 account
Use the ostor-s3-admin revoke-access-key
command. For example:
# ostor-s3-admin revoke-access-key -V 0100000000000002 -e -k de86d1c19e616455YIPU
This command requires the following parameters:
,--volume <volume_id>
- The volume ID obtained by using the
ostor-ctl get-config -V
command -e <user_email>
- User email
-k <access_key_id>
- User access key ID
To delete an S3 account
Use the ostor-s3-admin delete-account
command. For example:
# ostor-s3-admin delete-account -V 0100000000000002 -n myaccount -e
This command requires the following parameters:
,--volume <volume_id>
- The volume ID obtained in step 1
-n <account_name>
- Account name
-e <user_email>
- User email