Resetting the admin user password

The default administrator account has the user name admin and the password that is specified during the management node deployment. You can reset this password in case if you have forgotten it and you have access to the root account of the management node.

To reset the admin user password

  1. Find the management node in your cluster. To do this, log in to each cluster node via SSH and check if vstorage-ui-backend service is enabled by running:

    # systemctl list-unit-files | grep vstorage-ui-backend.service
    UNIT FILE                           STATE           PRESET
    vstorage-ui-backend.service         enabled         disabled
  2. On the management node, log in as the service user:

    # su - vstoradmin
  3. Run the following command:

    $ python3 ~vstoradmin/ admin --password "<new_password>"
    Creating user "admin"

Now, you can use the newly set password to log in to the admin panel under the admin user.