Running storage benchmarks

These tests measure the system behavior in various simulated workload conditions. If desired, you can use them to trigger and analyze scenarios described in Performance issues and symptoms.


To run benchmarks for disks

  1. On each node, install the fio utility:

    # yum install fio
  2. On each node, test the random and sequential write IOPS performance of each drive:

    # ./ fio.write.single.randwrite
    # ./ fio.write.single.seqwrite
  3. On any node, check the cumulative random and sequential write IOPS performance:

    # grep 'write:' *fio.write.single.randwrite.log | awk -F'[=k,]' '{sum+=$2} END {print sum}'
    # grep 'write:' *fio.write.single.seqwrite.log | awk -F'[=k,]' '{sum+=$2} END {print sum}'
  4. On each node, test the cumulative random write IOPS:

    # ./ fio.write.all

To test replication settings

  1. Create the test directory /mnt/vstorage/test, and then apply the desired replication settings on it. For example:

    # mkdir /mnt/vstorage/test
    # vstorage set-attr -R /mnt/vstorage/test replicas=3:2
    # vstorage set-attr -R /mnt/vstorage/test failure-domain=host
    # vstorage set-attr -R /mnt/vstorage/test tier=0
  2. On any node, test the random read and write IOPS performance:

    # ./
    # ./ fio.write.random
  3. On any node, test the sequential read and write IOPS performance:

    # ./
    # ./ fio.write.seq