Setting memory parameters per cluster

To change per-cluster memory parameters

Use the following command:

vinfra memory-policy vstorage-services per-cluster change [--guarantee <guarantee>] [--swap <swap>]
                                                          [--cache-ratio <cache-ratio> --cache-minimum <cache-minimum>
                                                          --cache-maximum <cache-maximum>]
--guarantee <guarantee>
Guarantee, in bytes
--swap <swap>
Swap size, in bytes, or -1 if unlimited
--cache-ratio <cache-ratio>
Cache ratio from 0 to 1 inclusive
--cache-minimum <cache-minimum>
Minimum cache, in bytes
--cache-maximum <cache-maximum>
Maximum cache, in bytes

For example, to set the storage memory parameters for all nodes in the storage cluster, run:

# vinfra memory-policy vstorage-services per-cluster change --guarantee 8796093022208 --swap 1099511627776 \
--cache-ratio 0.5 --cache-minimum 1099511627776 --cache-maximum 3298534883328

This command sets the memory parameters as follows:

  • The memory guarantee to 8 GB
  • The swap size to 1 GB
  • The page cache limits: the minimum to 1 GB, the maximum to 3 GB, and the cache ratio to 0.5

You can view the updated per-cluster memory parameters in the vinfra memory-policy vstorage-services per-cluster show output:

# vinfra memory-policy vstorage-services per-cluster show
| Field     | Value                  |
| cache     | maximum: 3298534883328 |
|           | minimum: 1099511627776 |
|           | ratio: 0.5             |
| guarantee | 8796093022208          |
| swap      | 1099511627776          |

To reset per-cluster parameters to default

Use the following command:

vinfra memory-policy vstorage-services per-cluster reset [--guarantee] [--swap] [--cache]
Reset only the guarantee.
Reset only the swap size.
Reset only cache values.

For example, to reset the manually configured page cache limits to default for all nodes in the storage cluster, run:

# vinfra memory-policy vstorage-services per-cluster reset --cache