Generating S3 user access key pairs via CLI
You can generate a new access key pair for the specified user with the ostor-s3-admin gen-access-key
command. The maximum of 2 active access key pairs are allowed per user (same as with the Amazon Web Services). You need to specify either the user email (-e
) or S3 ID (-i
). For example:
# ostor-s3-admin gen-access-key -e -V 0100000000000002 Generate access key: user id=d866d9d114cc3d20, access key id=d866d9d114cc3d20D8EW, secret access key=83tTsNAuuRyoBBqhxMFqHAC60dhKHtTCCkQe54zu
It is recommended to periodically revoke old and generate new access key pairs.