
Shared functions required by API operations are provided in a number of standalone PHP include files. The first file returns the client information (for example, email address) which further S3 API user management requests need for various operations. Create a file S3_getClient.php with the following contents:


// API request to get whmcs client information.
if (!function_exists('S3_getClient')) {
    function S3_getClient($userid, $whmcs_username) {

        // Get client details for user email.
        $command = 'GetClientsDetails';
        $data = array(
            'clientid' => $userid,
        $results = localAPI($command, $data, $whmcs_username);

        // Return client information.
     return $results;


The next file adds notes to the client in WHMCS with the S3 access key pairs whenever a new user or access key pair is created. Create a file S3_addClientNote.php with the following contents:


// API request to add note to client in whmcs.
if (!function_exists('S3_addClientNote')) {
    function S3_addClientNote(
    ) {

        // Add note only for non-empty users.
        if (!empty($s3_client_userid)) {

            // Add note with the s3 access key and s3 secret.
            $command = 'AddClientNote';
            $data = array(
                'userid' => $userid,
                'notes' =>
                    "UserId: " . $s3_client_userid . "\n" .
                    "AWSAccessKeyId: " . $s3_client_key . "\n" .
                    "AWSSecretAccessKey: " . $s3_client_secret,
            localAPI($command, $data, $whmcs_username);


The next file removes notes from the client in WHMCS with the S3 access key pairs whenever a user or access key pair is removed. Create a file S3_delClientNote.php with the following contents:


// whmcs database access.
use WHMCS\Database\Capsule;

// API request to remove note from client in whmcs.
if (!function_exists('S3_delClientNote')) {
    function S3_delClientNote(
    ) {

        // Delete notes in database.
        $db = Capsule::connection()->getPdo();
            DELETE FROM
              userid = ' . $userid . '
              note LIKE "%' . $s3_client_userid . '%"
              note LIKE "%' . $s3_client_key . '%"'


The last file is the cURL library for sending GET, PUT, POST, and DELETE requests. Create a file S3_requestCurl.php with the following contents:


// API request to s3 gateway.
if (!function_exists('S3_requestCurl')) {
    function S3_requestCurl($s3_key, $s3_secret, $s3_gateway, $s3_query, $method) {

        // Prepare signature.
        $s3_host  = parse_url($s3_gateway, PHP_URL_HOST);
        $s3_date  = date(DATE_RFC2822);

        // Generate signature.
        $s3_signature = hash_hmac('sha1', $method . "\n\n\n" . $s3_date . "\n" .
            current(explode('&', $s3_query)), $s3_secret, true);
        $s3_signature = base64_encode($s3_signature);

        // Curl init.
        $s3_curl = curl_init($s3_gateway . $s3_query);

        // Curl options.
        switch ($method) {
            case "PUT":
                curl_setopt($s3_curl, CURLOPT_PUT, 1);
            case "POST":
                curl_setopt($s3_curl, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
            case "DELETE":
                curl_setopt($s3_curl, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "DELETE");
        curl_setopt($s3_curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
        curl_setopt($s3_curl, CURLOPT_URL, $s3_gateway . $s3_query);
        curl_setopt($s3_curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array(
            'Host: ' . $s3_host,
            'Date: ' . $s3_date,
            'Authorization: AWS ' . $s3_key . ':' . $s3_signature,

        // Call.
        $response = curl_exec($s3_curl);
        $response = json_decode($response, true);

        // Curl deinit.

        // Return response.
        return $response;
