Setting buckets limits in WHMCS

You can limit operations rate with the ostor-limits service and the following parameters: bucket specifying the bucket name, default=, get=, put=, list=, delete= specifying the limit value.

Similarly, you can limit outgoing bandwidth of a response with the ostor-limits service and the following parameters: bucket specifying the bucket name, out= specifying the limit value. WHMCS configures the bucket limits in S3 cluster when you click the Set button. Create a file S3_setLimitsForBucket.php with the following contents:


// Load configuration and libraries.

// Set s3 bucket limits.
function S3_setLimitsForBucket($vars) {

    // Load configuration.
    $s3_config = s3_getConfig();

    // Set only if value specified.
    if (!empty($vars['ops-value'])) {

        // Set s3 bucket limits (ops).
                "/?ostor-limits&bucket=" . $vars['bucket'] .
                "&limit-type=ops&limit-resource=" . $vars['ops-name'] .
                    '&limit-value=' . $vars['ops-value'],

    // Set only if value specified.
    if (!empty($vars['bandwidth-value'])) {

        // Set s3 bucket limits (bandwidth).
                "/?ostor-limits&bucket=" . $vars['bucket'] .
                "&limit-type=bandwidth&limit-resource=" . $vars['bandwidth-name'] .
                    '&limit-value=' . $vars['bandwidth-value'],

    // Redirect back.
    header('Location: ' . $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']);

// Call function.
