Editing and deleting backup plans

You can edit a backup plan's name and description, change its schedule, and delete it when it is no longer needed.


To edit a backup plan

Admin panel

  1. On the Compute > Backup > Backup plans tab, click the required backup plan.
  2. On the plan right pane, click Edit.
  3. In the Edit backup plan window, make the required changes, and then click Save.

    A description should not contain any personally identifiable information or sensitive business data.

Command-line interface

Use the following command:

vinfra service compute backup-plan set [--name <name>] [--description <description>] [--schedule-minute <minutes>]
                                       [--schedule-hour <hours>] [--schedule-day <days>] [--schedule-day-of-week <days-of-week>]
                                       [--schedule-week <weeks>] [--schedule-month <months>] [--schedule-interval <interval>]
                                       [--schedule-disable] [--recovery-points-rotation <amount>] [--disabled] [--enabled]
Backup plan ID or name
--name <name>
A new name for the backup plan
--description <description>
Backup plan description
--schedule-minute <minutes>
Comma-separated list of minutes. Specify '*' to schedule backup every minute.
--schedule-hour <hours>
Comma-separated list of hours. Specify '*' to schedule backup every hour.
--schedule-day <days>
Comma-separated list of days of the month. Specify '*' to schedule backup every day.
--schedule-day-of-week <days-of-week>
Comma-separated list of days of the week. Specify '*' to schedule backup every week day.
--schedule-week <weeks>
Comma-separated list of weeks. Specify '*' to schedule backup every week.
--schedule-month <months>
Comma-separated list of months. Specify '*' to schedule backup every mouth.
--schedule-interval <interval>
Interval between backups, in hours. You can also specify the following units: h for hours, d for days, and w for weeks. Only one unit can be used at a time.
Erase backup schedule.
--recovery-points-rotation <amount>
Amount of full recovery points to preserve.
Disable backup plan.
Enable backup plan.

For example, to schedule the backup plan myplan to run every Monday and set the maximum recovery points to 7, run:

# vinfra service compute backup-plan set myplan --schedule-day-of-week 0 --recovery-points-rotation 7

To delete a backup plan

Admin panel

  1. On the Compute > Backup > Backup plans tab, click the required backup plan.
  2. On the plan right pane, click Delete.
  3. If the backup plan has recovery points, you can delete them along with the backup plan:

    1. Select Delete recovery points.
    2. Enter "Delete" for confirmation.
  4. Click Delete in the confirmation window.

Command-line interface

Use the following command:

vinfra service compute backup-plan delete <backup-plan>
Backup plan ID or name

For example, to delete the backup plan myplan, run:

# vinfra service compute backup-plan delete myplan