Installing the license

You can install the license online from a product key or offline from a license file.


  • For online activation, the cluster must have access the KA server.

To install the license from a product key

Admin panel

  1. On the Settings > License screen, click Register license key.

  2. In the Register key window, paste the license key, and then click Register.

Command-line interface

Use the following command:

vinfra cluster license load <license-key>
License key to register

For example, to install the license from the key A38600-3P6W74-RZSK58-Y9ZH05-2X7J48, run:

# vinfra cluster license load A38600-3P6W74-RZSK58-Y9ZH05-2X7J48

You can view the details of the currently installed license in the vinfra cluster license show output:

# vinfra cluster license show
| Field            | Value                  |
| capacity         | 6.2PiB                 |
| core_number      |                        |
| core_number_used | 12                     |
| expiration_ts    | 2024-10-03T02:59:59    |
| free_size        | 6.2PiB                 |
| keynumber        | VZS.74609620.0000      |
| license_type     |                        |
| spla             | registered: false      |
|                  | registration_url: null |
| status           | active                 |
| total_size       | 6.2PiB                 |
| used_size        | 45.1GiB                |

To install the license from a license file

Use the following command:

vstorage -c <cluster_name> load-license -f <license_file>
Cluster name, which can be obtained with vinfra cluster show
Path to the license file

For example, to install the license for the cluster cluster1 from the file /root/license, run:

# vstorage -c cluster1 load-license -f /root/license

You can view the details of the currently installed license in the vinfra cluster license show output:

# vinfra cluster license show
| Field                        | Value                  |
| capacity                     | 6.2PiB                 |
| core_number                  | 144                    |
| core_number_used             | 12                     |
| expiration_ts                | 2025-09-03T02:59:59    |
| free_size                    | 6.2PiB                 |
| general_storage_logical      |                        |
| general_storage_logical_used | 27.0MiB                |
| keynumber                    | VZS.76238256.0000      |
| license_type                 | annual                 |
| spla                         | registered: false      |
|                              | registration_url: null |
| status                       | active                 |
| total_size                   | 6.2PiB                 |
| used_size                    | 45.1GiB                |