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Virtuozzo Virtualization SDK C API Reference
Functions  Functions by Handle  Legend

The PHT_VIRTUAL_NETWORK handle is used to manage virtual networks. A new handle is obtained by calling the PrlVirtNet_Create function. A handle to an existing virtual network is obtained by calling the PrlSrv_GetVirtualNetworkList function.

Creates a new handle of type PHT_VIRTUAL_NETWORK. 
Returns a numeric index assigned to the network adapter in the specified virtual network. 
Returns the name of the network adapter in the specified virtual network. 
Obtains physical adapter info which bound to the virtual network object. 
Returns the bound card MAC address of the specified virtual network. 
Returns the description of the specified virtual network. 
Returns the DCHP IPv6 address of the specified virtual network. 
Returns the DCHP IP address of the specified virtual network. 
Returns the host IPv6 address of the specified virtual network. 
Returns the host IP address of the specified virtual network. 
Returns the IPv6 net mask of the specified virtual network. 
Returns the DHCP end IPv6 address of the specified virtual network. 
Returns the DHCP start IPv6 address of the specified virtual network. 
Returns the IP net mask of the specified virtual network. 
Returns the DHCP end IP address of the specified virtual network. 
Returns the DHCP start IP address of the specified virtual network. 
Returns the ID of the specified virtual network. 
Returns the virtual network type. 
Returns the port forward entries list. 
Returns the VLAN tag of the specified virtual network. 
Determines whether the specified virtual network adapter is enabled or disabled. 
Determines whether the specified virtual network DHCPv6 server is enabled or disabled. 
Determines whether the specified virtual network DHCP server is enabled or disabled. 
Determines whether the specified virtual network is enabled or disabled. 
Determines whether the specified virtual network NAT server is enabled or disabled. 
Allows to enable or disable a specified virtual network adapter. 
Sets the specified adapter index. 
Sets the specified virtual network adapter name. 
Sets the specified virtual network bound card MAC address. 
Sets the specified virtual network description. 
Allows to enable or disable a specified virtual network DHCPv6 server. 
Sets the specified virtual network DHCP IPv6 address. 
Sets the specified virtual network DHCP IP address. 
Allows to enable or disable a specified virtual network DHCP server. 
Allows to enable or disable a specified virtual network. 
Sets the specified virtual network host IPv6 address. 
Sets the specified virtual network host IP address. 
Sets the specified virtual network IPv6 net mask. 
Sets the specified virtual network DHCP end IPv6 address. 
Sets the specified virtual network DHCP start IPv6 address. 
Sets the specified virtual network IP net mask. 
Sets the specified virtual network DHCP end IP address. 
Sets the specified virtual network DHCP start IP address. 
Allows to enable or disable a specified virtual network NAT server. 
Sets the specified virtual network ID. 
Sets the specified virtual network type. 
Sets the port forward entries list. 
Sets the VLAN tag for the specified virtual network. 
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