8.2. Managing Backups on Infrastructure Level

The Backups tab on the infrastructure level lists the virtual environment backups created on all physical servers that are registered in Virtuozzo Automator. To access this page, go to the Infrastructure level and click the Backups pane. If you already have some virtual environment backups, the Backups tab displays a table summarizing these backups:



Virtual Environment Name

The name of the virtual environment that was backed up.

Last Backup

The date and time when the last backing up was performed.

Total Size

The overall size of the backup.

Backup Node

The physical server where the last backup of the given virtual environment is stored.

Total Backups

The number of backups of the virtual environment.

You can manage your backups on this page in the following ways:

  • The Restore Virtual Environment button allows you to restore selected virtual environments from backup. If a virtual environment has multiple backups, the latest is restored by default.

  • The Remove Backups button removes the virtual environment backup(s) currently selected in the table. Usually this is done to provide extra space for making new virtual environment backups. Use the checkbox at the upper left corner of the table to select/deselect all the backups at once.

  • Clicking a virtual environment name in the table opens the Backups of Virtual Environment page, which allows you to manage the selected virtual environment backup(s). You can further open the Backup Details page where you get more information on the current virtual environment backup(s) and restore, remove, or browse the virtual environment backup(s).

  • The New Backups button allows you to back up one or more virtual environments right from this page.

  • The Refresh Backups button refreshes the list of available backups in the current folder.