2.8. Showing project details

GET /v3/projects/{project_id}

Show details of a project with the specified ID.

Source: https://docs.openstack.org/api-ref/identity/v3/index.html?expanded=#show-project-details

2.8.1. Request Parameters

Name In Type Description
project_id path string The project ID.
parents_as_list (Optional) query key-only, no value expected

The parent hierarchy will be included as a list in the response. This list will contain the projects found by traversing up the hierarchy to the top-level project. The returned list will be filtered against the projects the user has an effective role assignment on.

New in version 3.4

subtree_as_list (Optional) query key-only, no value expected

The child hierarchy will be included as a list in the response. This list will contain the projects found by traversing down the hierarchy. The returned list will be filtered against the projects the user has an effective role assignment on.

New in version 3.4

parents_as_ids (Optional) query key-only, no value expected

The entire parent hierarchy will be included as nested dictionaries in the response. It will contain all projects ids found by traversing up the hierarchy to the top-level project.

New in version 3.4

subtree_as_ids (Optional) query key-only, no value expected

The entire child hierarchy will be included as nested dictionaries in the response. It will contain all the projects ids found by traversing down the hierarchy.

New in version 3.4

include_limits (Optional) query key-only, no value expected It should be used together with parents_as_list or subtree_as_list filter to add the related project’s limits into the response body. Example

# curl -ks -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'X-Auth-Token: gAAAAA<...>' \

2.8.2. Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
project body object A project object
is_domain body boolean

Indicates whether the project also acts as a domain. If set to true, this project acts as both a project and domain. As a domain, the project provides a name space in which you can create users, groups, and other projects. If set to false, this project behaves as a regular project that contains only resources.

New in version 3.6

description body string The description of the project.
domain_id body string The ID of the domain for the project.
enabled body boolean If set to true, project is enabled. If set to false, project is disabled.
id body string The ID for the project.
links body object The link to the resources in question.
name body string The name of the project.
parent_id body string

The ID of the parent for the project.

New in version 3.4

options body object The resource options for the project. Available resource options are immutable. Status codes Success

Code Reason
200 - OK Request was successful. Error

Code Reason
400 - Bad Request Some content in the request was invalid.
401 - Unauthorized User must authenticate before making a request.
403 - Forbidden Policy does not allow current user to do this operation.
404 - Not Found The requested resource could not be found. Example

  "project": {
    "is_domain": false,
    "description": "Project description",
    "links": {
      "self": "https://<node_IP_addr>:5000/v3/projects/ec35eb7ceb594ad696839fc867817e4c"
    "tags": [],
    "enabled": true,
    "domain_id": "f2eeaaf15c254d4fa10255796122c8ec",
    "parent_id": "f2eeaaf15c254d4fa10255796122c8ec",
    "id": "ec35eb7ceb594ad696839fc867817e4c",
    "name": "project1"