11.1. Listing floating IPs

GET /v2.0/floatingips

Lists floating IPs.

Source: https://docs.openstack.org/api-ref/network/v2/index.html#list-floating-ips

11.1.1. Request

Name In Type Description
id (Optional) query string Filter the list result by the ID of the resource.
router_id (Optional) query string Filter the floating IP list result by the ID of the router for the floating IP.
status (Optional) query string Filter the floating IP list result by the status of the floating IP. Values are ACTIVE, DOWN and ERROR.
tenant_id (Optional) query string Filter the list result by the ID of the project that owns the resource.
project_id (Optional) query string Filter the list result by the ID of the project that owns the resource.
revision_number (Optional) query integer Filter the list result by the revision number of the resource.
description (Optional) query string Filter the list result by the human-readable description of the resource.
floating_network_id (Optional) query string Filter the floating IP list result by the ID of the network associated with the floating IP.
fixed_ip_address (Optional) query string Filter the floating IP list result by the fixed IP address that is associated with the floating IP address.
floating_ip_address (Optional) query string Filter the floating IP list result by the floating IP address.
port_id (Optional) query string Filter the floating IP list result by the ID of a port associated with the floating IP.
sort_dir (Optional) query string Sort direction. A valid value is asc (ascending) or desc (descending). You can specify multiple pairs of sort key and sort direction query parameters.
sort_key (Optional) query string

Sorts by a floatingip attribute. You can specify multiple pairs of sort key and sort direction query parameters. The sort keys are limited to:

  • fixed_ip_address
  • floating_ip_address
  • floating_network_id
  • id
  • router_id
  • status
  • tenant_id
  • project_id
tags (Optional) query string A list of tags to filter the list result by. Resources that match all tags in this list will be returned. Tags in query must be separated by comma.
tags-any (Optional) query string A list of tags to filter the list result by. Resources that match any tag in this list will be returned. Tags in query must be separated by comma.
not-tags (Optional) query string A list of tags to filter the list result by. Resources that match all tags in this list will be excluded. Tags in query must be separated by comma.
not-tags-any (Optional) query string A list of tags to filter the list result by. Resources that match any tag in this list will be excluded. Tags in query must be separated by comma.
fields (Optional) query string The fields that you want the server to return. If no fields query parameter is specified, the networking API returns all attributes allowed by the policy settings. By using fields parameter, the API returns only the requested set of attributes. fields parameter can be specified multiple times. For example, if you specify fields=id&fields=name in the request URL, only id and name attributes will be returned. Example

# curl -ks -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'X-Auth-Token: gAAAAA<...>' \

11.1.2. Response

Name In Type Description
floatingips body array A list of floatingip objects.
id body string The ID of the floating IP address.
router_id body string The ID of the router for the floating IP.
status body string The status of the floating IP. Values are ACTIVE, DOWN and ERROR.
tenant_id body string The ID of the project.
project_id body string The ID of the project.
created_at body string Time at which the resource has been created (in UTC ISO8601 format).
updated_at body string Time at which the resource has been updated (in UTC ISO8601 format).
revision_number body integer The revision number of the resource.
description body string A human-readable description for the resource.
dns_domain body string A valid DNS domain.
dns_name body string A valid DNS name.
port_details body string The information of the port that this floating IP associates with. In particular, if the floating IP is associated with a port, this field contains some attributes of the associated port, including name, network_id, mac_address, admin_state_up, status, device_id and device_owner. If the floating IP is not associated with a port, this field is null.
floating_network_id body string The ID of the network associated with the floating IP.
fixed_ip_address body string The fixed IP address that is associated with the floating IP address.
floating_ip_address body string The floating IP address.
port_id body string The ID of a port associated with the floating IP.
tags body array The list of tags on the resource.
port_forwardings body array The associated port forwarding resources for the floating IP. If the floating IP has multiple port forwarding resources, this field has multiple entries. Each entry consists of network IP protocol (protocol), the fixed IP address of internal neutron port (internal_ip_address), the TCP or UDP port used by internal neutron port (internal_port) and the TCP or UDP port used by floating IP (external_port). Status codes Success

Code Reason
200 - OK Request was successful. Error

Code Reason
401 - Unauthorized User must authenticate before making a request. Example

  "floatingips": [
      "router_id": "02542148-44cb-470d-a551-58f370c47b83",
      "status": "ACTIVE",
      "description": "",
      "tags": [],
      "tenant_id": "f5d834d636c642c7bfe8af86139c6f26",
      "created_at": "2020-03-04T16:37:27Z",
      "updated_at": "2020-03-04T16:37:32Z",
      "floating_network_id": "b4907761-8c0f-447e-9cfe-c688ca6e44a0",
      "port_details": {
        "status": "ACTIVE",
        "name": "",
        "admin_state_up": true,
        "network_id": "c4e2f31b-fe3b-402b-ac1b-b182693f72f7",
        "device_owner": "compute:nova",
        "mac_address": "fa:16:3e:66:ab:b3",
        "device_id": "e1ae6f7e-c35d-4656-a4fd-2371f9a791d4"
      "fixed_ip_address": "",
      "floating_ip_address": "",
      "revision_number": 1,
      "project_id": "f5d834d636c642c7bfe8af86139c6f26",
      "port_id": "165d5ff3-d015-4361-9bce-d59054c585cf",
      "id": "239fe333-b801-4096-a04f-20f33f6177c3"