9.2. Creating virtual networks

POST /v2.0/networks

Create a network.

The next step is to create a subnet for the network ID, as described in Creating virtual subnets.

Source: https://docs.openstack.org/api-ref/network/v2/index.html#create-network

9.2.1. Request

Name In Type Description
network body object A network object.
admin_state_up (Optional) body boolean The administrative state of the network, which is up (true) or down (false).
dns_domain (Optional) body string A valid DNS domain.
mtu (Optional) body integer The maximum transmission unit (MTU) value to address fragmentation. Minimum value is 68 for IPv4, and 1280 for IPv6.
name (Optional) body string Human-readable name of the network.
port_security_enabled (Optional) body boolean The port security status of the network. Valid values are enabled (true) and disabled (false). This value is used as the default value of port_security_enabled field of a newly created port.
project_id (Optional) body string The ID of the project that owns the resource. Only administrative and users with advsvc role can specify a project ID other than their own. You cannot change this value through authorization policies.
provider:network_type (Optional) body string The type of physical network that this network should be mapped to. For example, flat, vlan, vxlan, or gre. Valid values depend on a networking back-end.
provider:physical_network (Optional) body string The physical network where this network should be implemented. The Networking API v2.0 does not provide a way to list available physical networks. For example, the Open vSwitch plug-in configuration file defines a symbolic name that maps to specific bridges on each compute host.
provider:segmentation_id (Optional) body integer The ID of the isolated segment on the physical network. The network_type attribute defines the segmentation model. For example, if the network_type value is vlan, this ID is a vlan identifier. If the network_type value is gre, this ID is a gre key.
qos_policy_id (Optional) body string The ID of the QoS policy associated with the network.
router:external (Optional) body boolean Indicates whether the network has an external routing facility that’s not managed by the networking service.
segments (Optional) body array A list of provider segment objects.
shared (Optional) body boolean Indicates whether this resource is shared across all projects. By default, only administrative users can change this value.
tenant_id (Optional) body string The ID of the project that owns the resource. Only administrative and users with advsvc role can specify a project ID other than their own. You cannot change this value through authorization policies.
vlan_transparent (Optional) body boolean Indicates the VLAN transparency mode of the network, which is VLAN transparent (true) or not VLAN transparent (false).
description (Optional) body string A human-readable description for the resource. Default is an empty string.
is_default (Optional) body boolean The network is default or not.
availability_zone_hints (Optional) body array The availability zone candidate for the network. Examples

Create a private virtual network:

# curl -ks -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'X-Auth-Token: gAAAAA<...>' -d '
    "network": {
        "name": "privnet1",
        "port_security_enabled": true
}' https://<node_IP_addr>:9696/v2.0/networks

Create a public virtual network bound to a physical network:

# curl -ks -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'X-Auth-Token: gAAAAA<...>' -d '
  "network": {
    "name": "net2",
    "port_security_enabled": true,
    "provider:physical_network": "Public",
    "provider:network_type": "flat",
    "shared": true
}' https://<node_IP_addr>:9696/v2.0/networks

You can find out the physical network name from /etc/kolla/neutron-openvswitch-agent/ml2_conf.ini. For example:

# cat /etc/kolla/neutron-openvswitch-agent/ml2_conf.ini | grep bridge_mappings
bridge_mappings = Public:br-eth0

9.2.2. Response

Name In Type Description
network body object A network object.
admin_state_up body boolean The administrative state of the network, which is up (true) or down (false).
availability_zone_hints body array The availability zone candidate for the network.
availability_zones body array The availability zone for the network.
created_at body string Time at which the resource has been created (in UTC ISO8601 format).
dns_domain body string A valid DNS domain.
id body string The ID of the network.
ipv4_address_scope body string The ID of the IPv4 address scope that the network is associated with.
ipv6_address_scope body string The ID of the IPv6 address scope that the network is associated with.
l2_adjacency body boolean Indicates whether L2 connectivity is available throughout the network.
mtu body integer The maximum transmission unit (MTU) value to address fragmentation. Minimum value is 68 for IPv4, and 1280 for IPv6.
name body string Human-readable name of the network.
port_security_enabled body boolean The port security status of the network. Valid values are enabled (true) and disabled (false). This value is used as the default value of port_security_enabled field of a newly created port.
project_id body string The ID of the project.
provider:network_type body string The type of physical network that this network is mapped to. For example, flat, vlan, vxlan, or gre. Valid values depend on a networking back-end.
provider:physical_network body string The physical network where this network/segment is implemented.
provider:segmentation_id body integer The ID of the isolated segment on the physical network. The network_type attribute defines the segmentation model. For example, if the network_type value is vlan, this ID is a vlan identifier. If the network_type value is gre, this ID is a gre key.
qos_policy_id body string The ID of the QoS policy associated with the network.
revision_number body integer The revision number of the resource.
router:external body boolean Indicates whether the network has an external routing facility that’s not managed by the networking service. If the network is updated from external to internal the unused floating IPs of this network are automatically deleted when extension floatingip-autodelete-internal is present.
segments body array A list of provider segment objects.
shared body boolean Indicates whether this network is shared across all tenants. By default, only administrative users can change this value.
status body string The network status. Values are ACTIVE, DOWN, BUILD or ERROR.
subnets body array The associated subnets.
tenant_id body string The ID of the project.
updated_at body string Time at which the resource has been updated (in UTC ISO8601 format).
vlan_transparent body boolean Indicates the VLAN transparency mode of the network, which is VLAN transparent (true) or not VLAN transparent (false).
description body string A human-readable description for the resource.
is_default body boolean The network is default pool or not.
tags body array The list of tags on the resource. Status codes Success

Code Reason
201 - Created Resource was created and is ready to use. Error

Code Reason
400 - Bad Request Some content in the request was invalid.
401 - Unauthorized User must authenticate before making a request. Examples

Create a private virtual network:

  "network": {
    "provider:physical_network": null,
    "ipv6_address_scope": null,
    "revision_number": 1,
    "port_security_enabled": true,
    "provider:network_type": "vxlan",
    "id": "c5252a20-9206-4b8e-9a0f-45bd22ee7bc8",
    "router:external": false,
    "availability_zone_hints": [],
    "availability_zones": [],
    "ipv4_address_scope": null,
    "shared": false,
    "project_id": "f5d834d636c642c7bfe8af86139c6f26",
    "status": "ACTIVE",
    "subnets": [],
    "description": "",
    "tags": [],
    "updated_at": "2020-02-14T13:36:11Z",
    "is_default": false,
    "provider:segmentation_id": 5,
    "name": "privnet1",
    "admin_state_up": true,
    "tenant_id": "f5d834d636c642c7bfe8af86139c6f26",
    "created_at": "2020-02-14T13:36:11Z",
    "mtu": 1450

Create a public virtual network:

  "network": {
    "provider:physical_network": "Public",
    "ipv6_address_scope": null,
    "revision_number": 1,
    "port_security_enabled": true,
    "provider:network_type": "flat",
    "id": "c5a5d68e-55cd-40b8-a272-3768cbb86bd1",
    "router:external": false,
    "availability_zone_hints": [],
    "availability_zones": [],
    "ipv4_address_scope": null,
    "shared": true,
    "project_id": "f5d834d636c642c7bfe8af86139c6f26",
    "status": "ACTIVE",
    "subnets": [],
    "description": "",
    "tags": [],
    "updated_at": "2020-02-17T11:27:17Z",
    "is_default": false,
    "provider:segmentation_id": null,
    "name": "net2",
    "admin_state_up": true,
    "tenant_id": "f5d834d636c642c7bfe8af86139c6f26",
    "created_at": "2020-02-17T11:27:17Z",
    "mtu": 1500