Compute alerts

Based on the metrics described in Compute metrics, the compute alerts are generated and displayed in the admin panel.

Compute service alerts

OpenStack Cinder API is down

OpenStack Cinder Scheduler is down

OpenStack Cinder Volume agent is down

OpenStack Glance API is down

OpenStack Heat API is down

OpenStack Magnum API is down

OpenStack Neutron API is down

OpenStack Neutron L3 agent is down

OpenStack Neutron OpenvSwitch agent is down

OpenStack Neutron Metadata agent is down

OpenStack Neutron DHCP agent is down

OpenStack Nova API is down

OpenStack Nova Compute is down

OpenStack Nova Conductor is down

OpenStack Nova Scheduler is down

OpenStack Octavia API is down

OpenStack Placement API is down

High request error rate for OpenStack API requests detected

Compute cluster alerts

Compute cluster has failed

Cluster is running out of vCPU resources

Cluster is out of vCPU resources

Cluster is running out of memory

Cluster is out of memory

Virtual machine error

Virtual machine state mismatch

Volume attachment details mismatch

Compute node alerts

Node is running out of vCPU resources

Node is out of vCPU resources

Node is running out of memory

Node is out of memory

Project quota alerts

Project is out of vCPU resources

Project is out of memory

Project is out of floating IP addresses

Network is out of IP addresses

Project is out of storage policy space

Other alerts

Libvirt service is down

Docker service is down

RabbitMQ node is down

RabbitMQ split brain detected

PostgreSQL database size is greater than 30 GB

PostgreSQL database "<name>" on node "<hostname>" is greater than 30 GB in size. Verify that deleted entries are archived or contact the technical support.

PostgreSQL database uses more than 50% of node root partition

PostgreSQL databases on node "<hostname>" with ID "<id>" use more than 50% of node root partition. Verify that deleted entries are archived or contact the technical support.