Configuring the default CORS behavior
Cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) is a protocol that defines how resources from different origins interact. By default, the CORS behavior is configured to allow access from all origins and applies to all buckets with no CORS policy specified.
To check the CORS settings, use the ostor-ctl get-settings
# ostor-ctl get-settings NS.bkup_hour=-24 OS.bkup_hour=-24 OS.max_count=100 OS.max_size=1000 cfg.autosplit.enabled=1 cfg.autosplit.max_active=1 gen.lj.max_size_mb=2048 gen.lj.min_size_mb=16 gen.paxos.cache_size=0 gen.paxos.lease_tout=5000 gen.rj.mismatch_abort=1 gen.rj.obj_type_dump=0 hostd.automaintenance.enabled=0 hostd.automaintenance.threshold=10 ostor.default_cors.enabled=1
For security reasons, you may want to change the default CORS behavior to disable all cross-origin requests unless a CORS policy is specified for a bucket. To do this, use the ostor-ctl put-settings
command and specify ostor.default_cors.enabled=0
# ostor-ctl put-settings ostor.default_cors.enabled=0