Configuring the S3 storage usage limit
To prevent S3 data from occupying all space in the storage cluster, the S3 service has a limit on storage space usage. The limit defines the minimum percentage of free space the storage cluster must have to allow write operations. By default, this limit is set to 5%, which means that the S3 service can use up to 95% of storage space.
You can change the minimum percentage of free space in the storage cluster by using the ostor-ctl put-settings
command and setting the OS.min_free_space_percentage
parameter to the desired value. For example:
# ostor-ctl put-settings OS.min_free_space_percentage=10
Decreasing the default limit of 5% is not recommended as it might bring your storage cluster in the out-of-space condition.
You can check the new value in the ostor-ctl get-settings
# ostor-ctl get-settings NS.bkup_hour=-24 OS.bkup_hour=-24 OS.max_count=100 OS.max_size=1000 OS.min_free_space_percentage=10 cfg.autosplit.enabled=1 cfg.autosplit.max_active=1 gen.lj.max_size_mb=2048 gen.lj.min_size_mb=16 gen.paxos.cache_size=0 gen.paxos.lease_tout=5000 gen.rj.mismatch_abort=1 gen.rj.obj_type_dump=0 hostd.automaintenance.enabled=0 hostd.automaintenance.threshold=10 ostor.default_cors.enabled=1