Supported Amazon S3 REST operations
The following Amazon S3 REST operations are currently supported by the Virtuozzo Hybrid Infrastructure implementation of the Amazon S3 protocol:
Supported service operations: GET Service.
Supported bucket operations
Resource | Description | Method |
Creation | Creates a new S3 bucket | CreateBucket (PUT) |
Deletion | Deletes an existing S3 bucket | DeleteBucket (DELETE) |
Listing | Lists all buckets owned by the authenticated sender | ListBuckets (GET) |
Listing | Lists some or all of the objects in a bucket | ListObjects (GET) |
ACL | Returns the access control list (ACL) of a bucket | GetBucketAcl (GET) |
ACL | Sets the access control list (ACL) permissions for a bucket | PutBucketAcl (PUT) |
Policy | Retrieves the policy for a specified bucket | GetBucketPolicy (GET) |
Policy | Sets the policy for a specified bucket | PutBucketPolicy (PUT) |
Policy | Deletes the policy of a bucket | DeleteBucketPolicy (DELETE) |
CORS | Retrieves the CORS configuration for a bucket | GetBucketCors (GET) |
CORS | Sets the CORS configuration for a bucket | PutBucketCors (PUT) |
CORS | Deletes the CORS configuration from a bucket | DeleteBucketCors (DELETE) |
Location | Returns the region where the bucket resides | GetBucketLocation (GET) |
Logging | Returns the logging status of a bucket | GetBucketLogging (GET) |
Logging | Sets the logging parameters for a bucket | PutBucketLogging (PUT) |
Versioning | Returns the versioning state of a bucket | GetBucketVersioning (GET) |
Versioning | Sets the versioning state of a bucket | PutBucketVersioning (PUT) |
Lifecycle | Sets lifecycle configuration for your bucket | PutBucketLifecycle (PUT) |
Lifecycle | Returns the lifecycle configuration information set on the bucket | GetBucketLifecycle (GET) |
Lifecycle | Deletes the lifecycle configuration from the bucket | DeleteBucketLifecycle (DELETE) |
Notification | Enables notifications of specified events for a bucket | PutBucketNotification (PUT) |
Notification | Returns the notification configuration of a bucket | GetBucketNotification (GET) |
Replication | Sets the replication configuration for a bucket | PutBucketReplication (PUT) |
Replication | Retrieves the replication configuration of a bucket | GetBucketReplication (GET) |
Replication | Deletes the replication configuration from the bucket | DeleteBucketReplication (DELETE) |
Lock | Places an object lock configuration on a bucket | PutObjectLockConfiguration (PUT) |
Lock | Retrieves the object lock configuration for a bucket | GetObjectLockConfiguration (GET) |
Supported object operations
Resource | Description | Method |
Storage | Adds an object to a bucket | PutObject (PUT) |
Retrieval | Retrieves objects from a bucket | GetObject (GET) |
Deletion | Removes an object from a bucket | DeleteObject (DELETE) |
Copying | Creates a copy of an object that is already stored in Amazon S3 | CopyObject (PUT) |
Metadata | Retrieves metadata from an object without returning the object | HeadObject (HEAD) |
ACL | Returns the access control list (ACL) of an object | GetObjectAcl (GET) |
ACL | Sets the access control list (ACL) permissions for an object | PutObjectAcl (PUT) |
Multipart | Initiates a multipart upload and returns an upload ID | InitiateMultipartUpload (POST) |
Multipart | Uploads a part in a multipart upload | UploadPart (PUT) |
Multipart | Completes a multipart upload by assembling previously uploaded parts | CompleteMultipartUpload (POST) |
Multipart | Aborts a multipart upload | AbortMultipartUpload (DELETE) |
Multipart | Lists in-progress multipart uploads | ListMultipartUploads (GET) |
Multipart | Lists the parts that have been uploaded for a specific multipart upload | ListParts (GET) |
Retention | Places retention settings on an object | PutObjectRetention (PUT) |
Retention | Retrieves retention settings for an object | GetObjectRetention (GET) |
Legal Hold | Applies a legal hold on an object | PutObjectLegalHold (PUT) |
Legal Hold | Retrieves the legal hold status of an object | GetObjectLegalHold (GET) |
Restoration | Restores an archived copy of an object | RestoreObject (POST) |
For more information about Amazon S3 REST error response headers, refer to Amazon S3 REST API documentation.