Supported Amazon S3 REST operations

The following Amazon S3 REST operations are currently supported by the Virtuozzo Hybrid Infrastructure implementation of the Amazon S3 protocol:

Supported service operations: GET Service.

Supported bucket operations

Resource Description Method
Creation Creates a new S3 bucket CreateBucket (PUT)
Deletion Deletes an existing S3 bucket DeleteBucket (DELETE)
Listing Lists all buckets owned by the authenticated sender ListBuckets (GET)
Listing Lists some or all of the objects in a bucket ListObjects (GET)
ACL Returns the access control list (ACL) of a bucket GetBucketAcl (GET)
ACL Sets the access control list (ACL) permissions for a bucket PutBucketAcl (PUT)
Policy Retrieves the policy for a specified bucket GetBucketPolicy (GET)
Policy Sets the policy for a specified bucket PutBucketPolicy (PUT)
Policy Deletes the policy of a bucket DeleteBucketPolicy (DELETE)
CORS Retrieves the CORS configuration for a bucket GetBucketCors (GET)
CORS Sets the CORS configuration for a bucket PutBucketCors (PUT)
CORS Deletes the CORS configuration from a bucket DeleteBucketCors (DELETE)
Location Returns the region where the bucket resides GetBucketLocation (GET)
Logging Returns the logging status of a bucket GetBucketLogging (GET)
Logging Sets the logging parameters for a bucket PutBucketLogging (PUT)
Versioning Returns the versioning state of a bucket GetBucketVersioning (GET)
Versioning Sets the versioning state of a bucket PutBucketVersioning (PUT)
Lifecycle Sets lifecycle configuration for your bucket PutBucketLifecycle (PUT)
Lifecycle Returns the lifecycle configuration information set on the bucket GetBucketLifecycle (GET)
Lifecycle Deletes the lifecycle configuration from the bucket DeleteBucketLifecycle (DELETE)
Notification Enables notifications of specified events for a bucket PutBucketNotification (PUT)
Notification Returns the notification configuration of a bucket GetBucketNotification (GET)
Replication Sets the replication configuration for a bucket PutBucketReplication (PUT)
Replication Retrieves the replication configuration of a bucket GetBucketReplication (GET)
Replication Deletes the replication configuration from the bucket DeleteBucketReplication (DELETE)
Lock Places an object lock configuration on a bucket PutObjectLockConfiguration (PUT)
Lock Retrieves the object lock configuration for a bucket GetObjectLockConfiguration (GET)

Supported object operations

Resource Description Method
Storage Adds an object to a bucket PutObject (PUT)
Retrieval Retrieves objects from a bucket GetObject (GET)
Deletion Removes an object from a bucket DeleteObject (DELETE)
Copying Creates a copy of an object that is already stored in Amazon S3 CopyObject (PUT)
Metadata Retrieves metadata from an object without returning the object HeadObject (HEAD)
ACL Returns the access control list (ACL) of an object GetObjectAcl (GET)
ACL Sets the access control list (ACL) permissions for an object PutObjectAcl (PUT)
Multipart Initiates a multipart upload and returns an upload ID InitiateMultipartUpload (POST)
Multipart Uploads a part in a multipart upload UploadPart (PUT)
Multipart Completes a multipart upload by assembling previously uploaded parts CompleteMultipartUpload (POST)
Multipart Aborts a multipart upload AbortMultipartUpload (DELETE)
Multipart Lists in-progress multipart uploads ListMultipartUploads (GET)
Multipart Lists the parts that have been uploaded for a specific multipart upload ListParts (GET)
Retention Places retention settings on an object PutObjectRetention (PUT)
Retention Retrieves retention settings for an object GetObjectRetention (GET)
Legal Hold Applies a legal hold on an object PutObjectLegalHold (PUT)
Legal Hold Retrieves the legal hold status of an object GetObjectLegalHold (GET)
Restoration Restores an archived copy of an object RestoreObject (POST)

For more information about Amazon S3 REST error response headers, refer to Amazon S3 REST API documentation.