Virtuozzo Virtualization SDK C API Reference
Other PRL Structs Enumerations
Other PRL Structs  Legend
Virtuozzo adapter index reserved values: PAI_INVALID_ADAPTER: parallels adapter in general is not available PAI_GENERATE_INDEX: calculate a new parallels adapter index 
Allowed vm commands enumeration 
Common operations flags set. 
Virtuozzo API initialization flags: PrlApi_InitEx command flags set PAIF_USE_GRAPHIC_MODE : specifies create SDK session which has access to the graphic mode 
VM application in Dock mode 
Appliance download status 
Virtuozzo application mode in which SDK should work PAM_SERVER : SDK should working at Virtuozzo Service application mode 
PrlVm_BeginBackup flags. 
BIOS type 
PrlVm_CloneEx command flags set
  • to remove link to Virtual Hdd which located outside of VM.pvm directory from cloned vm configuration.
Clustered device subtype 
PrlVm_CommitEncryption command flags 
Compact mode: PCM_COMPACT_WITH_HARD_DISKS_INFO : show question before compacting with size disks info PCM_HARD_DISKS_INFO : just get disk info PCM_FULL_CLEAN_UP_VM : compact all disks and delete all unneccessary files 
Convert virtual disk
  • PCVD_CANCEL : cancel disk conversion
  • PCVD_TO_PLAIN_DISK : convert disk from expanding to plain disk
  • PCVD_TO_EXPANDING_DISK : convert disk from plain to expanding disk
  • PCVD_TO_SPLIT_DISK : convert disk from non-split to split disk
  • PCVD_TO_NON_SPLIT_DISK : convert disk from split to non-split disk
  • PCVD_MERGE_ALL_SNAPSHOTS : merge all disk snapshots
copy of CT templates functionality flags set 
Window corner actions 
CPU mode 
CPU mode 
constant for unlimited CPU number 
Create image flags 
VM snapshot creation flags set 
Capabilities list 
CT Features 
Container templates types 
Data statistic segments 
  • PrlVm_DeleteSnapshotEx flags PDSF_BACKUP - delete snapshot for backup
Device in use Action 
Device type 
Format of display buffer 
Obsolete enum. 
Obsolete enum. 
Obsolete enum. 
Display(s) configuration mode 
VM application icon type in Dock 
PrlVmBackup_Commit / PrlVmBackup_Rollback flags. 
Event issuer type 
Different event types are identified by these event codes. 
External VM type for supporting native VM 
Features matrix list 
File system element type 
File system general type 
Firewall direction 
Firewall policy 
Generic device state PGS_CONNECTED_TO_HOST : device is used by host PGS_CONNECTED_TO_VM : device is used by VM PGS_RESERVED : reserved value PGS_NON_CONTROLLED_USB : USB device is not controlled PGS_CONNECTING_TO_VM : device belong to VM, but prl_usb_dev still not started 
Generic PCI device class: PGD_PCI_NETWORK : generic PCI network device PGD_PCI_DISPLAY : generic PCI display device PGD_PCI_SOUND : generic PCI sound device PGD_PCI_OTHER : another generic PCI device 
Find VM operations: 
List operations: Uses for PrlSrv_GetVmListEx operation 
Graceful Shutdown types 
Windows installation distributive type. 
Specifies the type of guest OS's support 
The _PRL_HANDLE_TYPE enumeration defines handle types. 
Hard disk interfce mask enum 
Hard disk image type 
Host OS type 
Network adapter types in hardware info list 
Install appliance options
  • PIAF_CANCEL : cancel appliance installation
  • PIAF_FORCE : do not cancel installation and begin a new one
  • if the previous installation became corrupted outside.
  • PIAF_STOP : temporary stop appliance downloading
iSCSI storage management flags 
iSCSI storage filesystem type 
Job operation codes 
Job status enumeration 
Virtuozzo virtual keycodes. 
License restriction options 
Mass storage device interface type 
Message type enumeration. 
Authorization mode, when mobile client establishing remote access to the host. 
Mount virtual disk flags 
Network adapter emulated type 
Virtual Network type. 
Netfilter modes list 
Special values of network packet MPU for packet rate limitation. 
Online compact mode for virtual machine disks 
Determines the mode of modifiers handling inside the guest 
Event parameters fields types 
Port forwarding type: PPF_TCP : TCP port forwarding PPF_UDP : UDP port forwarding 
Printer device interface type 
Private event types. 
Virtuozzo problem report flags functionality: PPRF_ADD_CLIENT_PART : specifies to add client information to problem report PPRF_ADD_SERVER_PART : specifies to add server information to problem report PPRF_DO_NOT_CREATE_HOST_SCREENSHOT : specifies do not create and add host screenshot to generating problem report 
Problem report reason enumeration 
Problem report scheme enumaration 
Problem report type enumeration 
Process state element 
Virtuozzo license products enumeration. 
Proxy connection status 
Query element flags 
PrlSrv_Register3rdPartyVm command flags set 
PrlVm_RegEx flags 
PrlSrv_RegisterVmEx command flags set 
PrlVmDev_ResizeImage command flags set 
Running task type enumeration. 
Aspect ratio mode 
Security level enumeration. 
Serial port operation mode when on socket 
Virtuozzo service statuses 
Sound channel type 
PrlVm_SwitchSnapshotEx flags 
Taskbar states 
Virtuozzo Tools Information Service record fields 
Virtuozzo Tools Information Service record states 
Shared Internet Applications 'open in' type PSIA_OPEN_DEFAULT : Open host link with host app; Open guest link with guest app PSIA_OPEN_IN_GUEST : Open all links with guest apps; PSIA_OPEN_IN_HOST : Open all links with host apps; 
Virtuozzo Tools Utility command flags 
Virtuozzo Tools Utility commands identifiers 
VM undo disks mode: PUD_DISABLE_UNDO_DISKS : disbale undo disks PUD_REVERSE_CHANGES : at stopping VM revert all disk changes PUD_COMMIT_CHANGES : at stopping VM apply all disk changes PUD_PROMPT_BEHAVIOUR : ask user which mode reverse or commit will be applied 
Update/Install license operations: Uses for PrlSrv_UpdateLicenseEx operation 
USB autoconnect devices options 
USB device connect/disconnect reason 
USB device type 
Virtuozzo license versions enumeration. 
Video 3D acceleration 
Virtual machine profiles enum 
Specifies an on-crash actions 
Specifies an on-crash options 
Tools events, passed to the callback (see PRL_VMCTG_TOOL_DESC and PRL_TOOL_HANDLER_PTR above) 
VTD status code 
Window corners 
Edges where taskbar can be placed (in coherence mode). 
Virtuozzo adapter index reserved values: PAI_INVALID_ADAPTER: parallels adapter in general is not available PAI_GENERATE_INDEX: calculate a new parallels adapter index 
Allowed vm commands enumeration 
Common operations flags set. 
Virtuozzo API initialization flags: PrlApi_InitEx command flags set PAIF_USE_GRAPHIC_MODE : specifies create SDK session which has access to the graphic mode 
VM application in Dock mode 
Appliance download status 
Virtuozzo application mode in which SDK should work PAM_SERVER : SDK should working at Virtuozzo Service application mode 
PrlVm_BeginBackup flags. 
BIOS type 
PrlVm_CloneEx command flags set
  • to remove link to Virtual Hdd which located outside of VM.pvm directory from cloned vm configuration.
Clustered device subtype 
PrlVm_CommitEncryption command flags 
Compact mode: PCM_COMPACT_WITH_HARD_DISKS_INFO : show question before compacting with size disks info PCM_HARD_DISKS_INFO : just get disk info PCM_FULL_CLEAN_UP_VM : compact all disks and delete all unneccessary files 
Convert virtual disk
  • PCVD_CANCEL : cancel disk conversion
  • PCVD_TO_PLAIN_DISK : convert disk from expanding to plain disk
  • PCVD_TO_EXPANDING_DISK : convert disk from plain to expanding disk
  • PCVD_TO_SPLIT_DISK : convert disk from non-split to split disk
  • PCVD_TO_NON_SPLIT_DISK : convert disk from split to non-split disk
  • PCVD_MERGE_ALL_SNAPSHOTS : merge all disk snapshots
copy of CT templates functionality flags set 
Window corner actions 
CPU mode 
CPU mode 
constant for unlimited CPU number 
Create image flags 
VM snapshot creation flags set 
Capabilities list 
CT Features 
Container templates types 
Data statistic segments 
  • PrlVm_DeleteSnapshotEx flags PDSF_BACKUP - delete snapshot for backup
Device in use Action 
Device type 
Format of display buffer 
Obsolete enum. 
Obsolete enum. 
Obsolete enum. 
Display(s) configuration mode 
VM application icon type in Dock 
PrlVmBackup_Commit / PrlVmBackup_Rollback flags. 
Event issuer type 
Different event types are identified by these event codes. 
External VM type for supporting native VM 
Features matrix list 
File system element type 
File system general type 
Firewall direction 
Firewall policy 
Generic device state PGS_CONNECTED_TO_HOST : device is used by host PGS_CONNECTED_TO_VM : device is used by VM PGS_RESERVED : reserved value PGS_NON_CONTROLLED_USB : USB device is not controlled PGS_CONNECTING_TO_VM : device belong to VM, but prl_usb_dev still not started 
Generic PCI device class: PGD_PCI_NETWORK : generic PCI network device PGD_PCI_DISPLAY : generic PCI display device PGD_PCI_SOUND : generic PCI sound device PGD_PCI_OTHER : another generic PCI device 
Find VM operations: 
List operations: Uses for PrlSrv_GetVmListEx operation 
Graceful Shutdown types 
Windows installation distributive type. 
Specifies the type of guest OS's support 
The _PRL_HANDLE_TYPE enumeration defines handle types. 
Hard disk interfce mask enum 
Hard disk image type 
Host OS type 
Network adapter types in hardware info list 
Install appliance options
  • PIAF_CANCEL : cancel appliance installation
  • PIAF_FORCE : do not cancel installation and begin a new one
  • if the previous installation became corrupted outside.
  • PIAF_STOP : temporary stop appliance downloading
iSCSI storage management flags 
iSCSI storage filesystem type 
Job operation codes 
Job status enumeration 
Virtuozzo virtual keycodes. 
License restriction options 
Mass storage device interface type 
Message type enumeration. 
Authorization mode, when mobile client establishing remote access to the host. 
Mount virtual disk flags 
Network adapter emulated type 
Virtual Network type. 
Netfilter modes list 
Special values of network packet MPU for packet rate limitation. 
Online compact mode for virtual machine disks 
Determines the mode of modifiers handling inside the guest 
Event parameters fields types 
Port forwarding type: PPF_TCP : TCP port forwarding PPF_UDP : UDP port forwarding 
Printer device interface type 
Private event types. 
Virtuozzo problem report flags functionality: PPRF_ADD_CLIENT_PART : specifies to add client information to problem report PPRF_ADD_SERVER_PART : specifies to add server information to problem report PPRF_DO_NOT_CREATE_HOST_SCREENSHOT : specifies do not create and add host screenshot to generating problem report 
Problem report reason enumeration 
Problem report scheme enumaration 
Problem report type enumeration 
Process state element 
Virtuozzo license products enumeration. 
Proxy connection status 
Query element flags 
PrlSrv_Register3rdPartyVm command flags set 
PrlVm_RegEx flags 
PrlSrv_RegisterVmEx command flags set 
PrlVmDev_ResizeImage command flags set 
Running task type enumeration. 
Aspect ratio mode 
Security level enumeration. 
Serial port operation mode when on socket 
Virtuozzo service statuses 
Sound channel type 
PrlVm_SwitchSnapshotEx flags 
Taskbar states 
Virtuozzo Tools Information Service record fields 
Virtuozzo Tools Information Service record states 
Shared Internet Applications 'open in' type PSIA_OPEN_DEFAULT : Open host link with host app; Open guest link with guest app PSIA_OPEN_IN_GUEST : Open all links with guest apps; PSIA_OPEN_IN_HOST : Open all links with host apps; 
Virtuozzo Tools Utility command flags 
Virtuozzo Tools Utility commands identifiers 
VM undo disks mode: PUD_DISABLE_UNDO_DISKS : disbale undo disks PUD_REVERSE_CHANGES : at stopping VM revert all disk changes PUD_COMMIT_CHANGES : at stopping VM apply all disk changes PUD_PROMPT_BEHAVIOUR : ask user which mode reverse or commit will be applied 
Update/Install license operations: Uses for PrlSrv_UpdateLicenseEx operation 
USB autoconnect devices options 
USB device connect/disconnect reason 
USB device type 
Virtuozzo license versions enumeration. 
Video 3D acceleration 
Streaming connection status enum 
Virtual machine profiles enum 
Tools events, passed to the callback (see PRL_VMCTG_TOOL_DESC and PRL_TOOL_HANDLER_PTR above) 
VTD status code 
Window corners 
Edges where taskbar can be placed (in coherence mode). 
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