Virtuozzo Virtualization SDK C API Reference
The PHT_VIRTUAL_DEV_NET_ADAPTER handle is used to manage network adapters in a virtual machine. The handle is obtained by making the PrlVmCfg_CreateVmDev or the PrlVmCfg_GetNetAdapter function call.
Name |
Description |
Generates a unique MAC address for a virtual network adapter on a virtual machine. | |
Obtain the adapter type assigned to a virtual network adapter. | |
Returns the index of the adapter to which the specified virtual adapter is bound. | |
Returns the name of the adapter to which the specified virtual adapter is bound. | |
Obtains the default gateway assigned to a virtual network adapter in a virtual machine. | |
Obtains the default gateway (IPv6) assigned to a virtual network adapter in a virtual machine. | |
Obtains the list of DNS servers which is assigned to a virtual network adapter on virtual machine startup. | |
Gets an adapter firewall default policy. | |
Returns the firewall rule entries list. | |
Returns the MAC address of a virtual network adapter inside a virtual machine (in Virtuozzo format XXXXXXXXXXXX). | |
Obtains a list of IP addresses in the address/subnet_mask format which is assigned to a virtual network adapter on virtual machine startup. | |
Obtains a lists of search domains which are assigned to a virtual network adapter on virtual machine startup. | |
Obtains the virtual network ID assigned to a virtual network adapter in a virtual machine. | |
Determines if the specified network adapter is configured to automatically apply network settings inside guest. | |
Determines if the specified network adapter is configured through DHCP on the guest OS side. | |
Determines if the specified network adapter is configured through DHCP (IPv6) on the guest OS side. | |
Gets state switched on or off of the adapter firewall. | |
Determines if the specified network adapter is configured to filter net packages and send packages only from IP addresses in the adapter NetAdrresses list. | |
Determines if the specified network adapter is configured to filter net packages and send packages only from its own MAC address. | |
Allows to manually assign adapter type to a network adapter. | |
Allows to specify whether a network adapter in a virtual machine should be automatically configured. | |
Sets the index of the adapter to which the specified virtual adapter should be bound. | |
Sets the name of the network adapter to which a virtual network adapter inside a virtual machine will bind. | |
Allows to specify whether a network adapter in a virtual machine should be configured through DHCP or manually. | |
Allows to specify whether a network adapter in a virtual machine should be configured through DHCP (IPv6) or manually. | |
Allows to manually set the default gateway address for a network adapter in a virtual machine. | |
Allows to manually set the default gateway address (IPv6) for a network adapter in a virtual machine. | |
Allows to manually assign DNS servers to a network adapter in a virtual machine. | |
Sets an adapter firewall default policy. | |
Sets state switched on or off of the adapter firewall. | |
Sets the firewall rule entries list. | |
Allows to manually set MAC address to a network adapter inside a virtual machine. | |
Allows to manually set IP addresses/Subnet masks to a network adapter in a virtual machine. | |
Allows to specify whether a network adapter in a virtual machine should perform the filtration by IP addresses. | |
Allows to specify whether a network adapter in a virtual machine should filter packets through MAC address spoofing. | |
Allows to specify whether a network adapter in a virtual machine should receive packets sent not to VM. | |
Allows to manually assign search domains to a network adapter in a virtual machine. | |
Allows to set the virtual network ID for a network adapter in a virtual machine. |