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Virtuozzo Virtualization SDK C API Reference
Functions  Functions by Handle  Legend  See Also

The PHT_VIRTUAL_DEV_NET_ADAPTER handle is used to manage network adapters in a virtual machine. The handle is obtained by making the PrlVmCfg_CreateVmDev or the PrlVmCfg_GetNetAdapter function call.

Generates a unique MAC address for a virtual network adapter on a virtual machine. 
Obtain the adapter type assigned to a virtual network adapter. 
Returns the index of the adapter to which the specified virtual adapter is bound. 
Returns the name of the adapter to which the specified virtual adapter is bound. 
Obtains the default gateway assigned to a virtual network adapter in a virtual machine. 
Obtains the default gateway (IPv6) assigned to a virtual network adapter in a virtual machine. 
Obtains the list of DNS servers which is assigned to a virtual network adapter on virtual machine startup. 
Gets an adapter firewall default policy. 
Returns the firewall rule entries list. 
Returns the MAC address of a virtual network adapter inside a virtual machine (in Virtuozzo format XXXXXXXXXXXX). 
Obtains a list of IP addresses in the address/subnet_mask format which is assigned to a virtual network adapter on virtual machine startup. 
Obtains a lists of search domains which are assigned to a virtual network adapter on virtual machine startup. 
Obtains the virtual network ID assigned to a virtual network adapter in a virtual machine. 
Determines if the specified network adapter is configured to automatically apply network settings inside guest. 
Determines if the specified network adapter is configured through DHCP on the guest OS side. 
Determines if the specified network adapter is configured through DHCP (IPv6) on the guest OS side. 
Gets state switched on or off of the adapter firewall. 
Determines if the specified network adapter is configured to filter net packages and send packages only from IP addresses in the adapter NetAdrresses list. 
Determines if the specified network adapter is configured to filter net packages and send packages only from its own MAC address. 
Allows to manually assign adapter type to a network adapter. 
Allows to specify whether a network adapter in a virtual machine should be automatically configured. 
Sets the index of the adapter to which the specified virtual adapter should be bound. 
Sets the name of the network adapter to which a virtual network adapter inside a virtual machine will bind. 
Allows to specify whether a network adapter in a virtual machine should be configured through DHCP or manually. 
Allows to specify whether a network adapter in a virtual machine should be configured through DHCP (IPv6) or manually. 
Allows to manually set the default gateway address for a network adapter in a virtual machine. 
Allows to manually set the default gateway address (IPv6) for a network adapter in a virtual machine. 
Allows to manually assign DNS servers to a network adapter in a virtual machine. 
Sets an adapter firewall default policy. 
Sets state switched on or off of the adapter firewall. 
Sets the firewall rule entries list. 
Allows to manually set MAC address to a network adapter inside a virtual machine. 
Allows to manually set IP addresses/Subnet masks to a network adapter in a virtual machine. 
Allows to specify whether a network adapter in a virtual machine should perform the filtration by IP addresses. 
Allows to specify whether a network adapter in a virtual machine should filter packets through MAC address spoofing. 
Allows to specify whether a network adapter in a virtual machine should receive packets sent not to VM. 
Allows to manually assign search domains to a network adapter in a virtual machine. 
Allows to set the virtual network ID for a network adapter in a virtual machine. 
See Also
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