2.3. System Updates

Virtuozzo Hybrid Server provides various ways to update its components:

  • Quick and easy updates of utilities, libraries, kernel and EZ templates with the yum utility standard for RPM-compatible Linux operating systems. For more information on yum, see Keeping Your System Up To Date and the yum manual page.

  • The vzpkg utility allows you to update OS EZ templates, their caches on the hardware node and software packages inside containers based on application EZ templates. For more information on vzpkg, see EZ Template Management Utilities.


    To update software in virtual machines, you can use native Linux and Windows updaters.

  • ReadyKernel cumulative patches that allow a rebootless alternative to updating the kernel the usual way.

2.3.1. readykernel

readykernel is the command-line utility for configuring and displaying status of the Virtuozzo ReadyKernel service and managing ReadyKernel updates.

# readykernel <command> [options]




Shows the current ReadyKernel status.


Checks for a newer ReadyKernel patch.


Downloads, installs and loads the latest ReadyKernel patch for the current kernel.

autoupdate [enable <hour>|disable]

Enables or disables daily automatic downloading, installation, and loading of the latest ReadyKernel patches. If enabled, the service will check for updates daily at the specified hour (set in 24-hour format, server time) by means of the cron.d script.


Loads the latest installed ReadyKernel patch for the current kernel.

autoload <enable|disable>

Enables or disables automatic loading of the latest installed ReadyKernel patches at boot.


Unloads all the kernel patches (ReadyKernel and other), then loads the latest installed ReadyKernel patch for the current kernel.


Shows information about the loaded ReadyKernel patch.


Unloads the currently loaded ReadyKernel patch.


Creates a report for the technical support team.


Shows help on command usage.